How to Learn Game Design for Free on YouTube – Best Video Courses

Learning game design is an exciting and rewarding journey that can lead to a fulfilling career in the gaming industry. For those interested in exploring this field, there is a wealth of resources available online, including free video courses on YouTube.

In this article, we will list and describe several of the best game design video courses available on YouTube, suitable for all skill levels.

And as a beginner-friendly resource, we’d like to highlight Zenva’s Game Design Academy, ready for those eager to kickstart their game design learning journey.

What is Game Design?

Game design is the art of crafting the rules, mechanics, and structure for a video game, as well as planning and organizing its levels, characters, and story. It involves creating engaging and balanced gameplay experiences that keep players entertained and immersed. Game designers are responsible for building the foundations of a game, often collaborating closely with other team members like programmers, artists, sound designers, and writers.

How Does Game Design Affect the Game Development Process?

Game design plays a crucial role in the game development process by shaping the core aspects of a game, including:

  • Defining gameplay elements and mechanics
  • Creating a theme and narrative
  • Structuring levels and progressing difficulty
  • Designing characters and NPCs (Non-Player Characters)
  • Establishing the game’s overall aesthetics and style

Simply put, game design is the blueprint upon which the rest of the development process is built.

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Why is Good Game Design Important?

Good game design is essential for creating a successful and enjoyable game. It ensures that:

  • Players have a clear understanding of the game’s objectives and mechanics
  • Gameplay is fun, engaging, and well-balanced
  • Players remain motivated and interested throughout the game

A well-designed game will leave a lasting impression on players and can contribute to its commercial success.

How Does Game Design Differ Between Small Teams vs. Large Teams?

Game design may vary depending on the size of the development team:

  • Small teams: In a small team or independent project, game designers might wear multiple hats, taking on tasks related to programming, art, or sound design. The designer may have more creative freedom and control, but also more responsibilities.
  • Large teams: In a larger team or studio, designers often specialize in specific areas, such as level design or character design. This allows for more focused expertise and efficient collaboration, but may also require designers to adhere to strict design guidelines and processes.

Why You Should Learn Game Design?

Learning game design is an excellent way to develop creative and technical skills, along with a strong foundation in game development. Mastering game design can:

  • Provide a pathway to a rewarding career in the gaming industry
  • Enable you to create your own independent game projects
  • Develop your problem-solving, communication, and collaboration abilities
  • Expand your knowledge of various aspects of game development, such as programming, art, and sound design

With dedication and passion, anyone can learn game design and harness its potential to create memorable gaming experiences.

Beyond learning from Zenva Academy, YouTube offers a plethora of free and invaluable resources that cater to different aspects of game design. In the following sections, we’ve compiled a list of the best resources from Zenva and other sources to help you learn game design and improve your skills.

Beginner’s Guide to Game Level Design – Open World

Beginner’s Guide to Game Level Design – Open Worlds covers key skills to creating game environments and designing levels when faced with an open world scenario. The full course is available through Zenva’s Game Design Academy, making it a great resource to get started with level design.

Environmental Storytelling

Environmental Storytelling offers an in-depth look at the fundamentals of level design and how the environment can be used to tell a story. The detailed course is accessible through Zenva Academy’s website – which covers creating game environments, designing obstacles, and balancing gameplay.

Writing Protagonists and Antagonists

Writing Protagonists and Antagonists in Video Games explores the process of crafting compelling characters in video games. The course, available on the Zenva Academy website, teaches how to create engaging protagonists and antagonists in your game projects.

Writing for Video Games

Writing for Video Games – Full Course delves into the intricate process of writing for video games using the three act structure to create compelling narratives. To access the full course materials, head over to the Zenva Academy website.

Paper Prototyping

Paper Prototyping: How to Make a Video Game shares a unique approach to game design, as Matteo Menapace explains how to prototype a game using paper. This tutorial walks users through each step of the process, making it an excellent alternative approach to designing games.

Game Maker’s Toolkit

Game Maker’s Toolkit, hosted by Mark Brown, is a fantastic resource for game design and level design enthusiasts. The channel offers a variety of engaging videos and covers a wide array of game design topics.

2D Game Development

2D Game Development with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript teaches users how to create 2D games using web technologies. The video series covers topics like sprite animation and state management, providing essential knowledge for aspiring game developers.

Learn Game Development Basics

Learn Game Development Basics offers learners the opportunity to experience the foundations of game development through a real development story. Explore the various aspects involved with making a game!

Utinni’s Game Design Tips and Tricks

Utinni’s Game Design Tips and Tricks provides users with essential game design tips through a comprehensive video series. The first episode discusses four crucial questions that game designers should ask themselves as they navigate the creation process.

2D Game Design for Beginners

2D Game Design for Beginners is a tutorial from the 100 Games Project that covers the entire process of creating a 2D game. The tutorial also includes various game design resources, making it an excellent starting point for beginners.


With so many resources available on YouTube, it’s never been easier to learn game design for free. The videos and courses mentioned in this article cater to a variety of learning preferences and skill levels, providing a solid foundation for starting your game design journey.

As a beginner-friendly option, Zenva’s Game Design Academy offers a comprehensive game design course that can help you jumpstart your learning experience. Have fun exploring these resources and begin crafting your game design skills today!

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