Timer in Godot – Complete Guide

Timers are fundamental components in game development—and mastering their use is key for any aspiring game creator. With the ability to handle intervals, create delays, and synchronize events, timers empower you to bring dynamic interactions to life in your projects. Whether you’re creating a countdown to start a race, delaying a character’s power-up activation, or scheduling waves of enemies, understanding the Timer class in Godot 4 will unlock a new level of control and sophistication in your game design. So let’s dive into the world of timers and discover how this powerful feature can enhance your game development repertoire!

What is a Timer in Godot 4?

A Timer in Godot 4 is simply a node that counts down from a specified interval to zero. When it reaches zero, it emits a signal, which you can then use to trigger any kind of event or action in your game.

What is it Used For?

Timers are incredibly versatile and are used for a variety of functionalities in a game, such as:

  • Creating countdowns before a level starts or an event happens.
  • Delaying actions, like triggering traps or spawning enemies.
  • Measuring time-limited challenges or abilities.
  • Coordinating actions between different game elements.

Why Should I Learn to Use Timers?

Learning to use timers is essential because:

  • They add depth to game mechanics, enhancing player experience.
  • They provide an easy way to add delays and synchronization without complex coding.
  • Understanding timers is foundational for creating well-timed and responsive game behaviors.

By grasping the Timer class functionality, you’ll be taking a significant step towards creating more interactive and engaging games in Godot 4. Let’s proceed and write some code!

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Developer API

The API for Godot version 4.2 is displayed below. For the latest version please visit the official documentation.




boolis_stopped () const
voidstart ( float time_sec=-1 )
voidstop ()


timeout ()

Emitted when the timer reaches 0.


enum TimerProcessCallback:


Update the timer during physics frames.


Update the timer during process frames.

Property Descriptions

bool autostart = false

If true, the timer will automatically start when entering the scene tree.

Note: This property is automatically set to false after the timer enters the scene tree and starts.

bool one_shot = false

If true, the timer will stop when reaching 0. If false, it will restart.

bool paused

If true, the timer is paused and will not process until it is unpaused again, even if start is called.

TimerProcessCallback process_callback = 1

Processing callback.

float time_left

The timer’s remaining time in seconds. Returns 0 if the timer is inactive.

Note: This value is read-only and cannot be set. It is based on wait_time, which can be set using start.

float wait_time = 1.0

The wait time in seconds.

Note: Timers can only emit once per rendered frame at most. For very low wait times, it is recommended to use a process loop in a script instead of using a Timer node. Timers are affected by Engine.time_scale, a higher scale means quicker timeouts, and vice versa.

Method Descriptions

bool is_stopped () const

Returns true if the timer is stopped.

void start ( float time_sec=-1 )

Starts the timer. Sets wait_time to time_sec if time_sec > 0. This also resets the remaining time to wait_time.

Note: This method will not resume a paused timer. See paused.

void stop ()

Stops the timer.

Continuing Your Game Development Journey

Understanding the Timer class in Godot 4 is just the beginning of your journey as a game developer. The potential for creativity and innovation in your projects is unlimited, and we at Zenva are thrilled to support you every step of the way. To delve deeper into the world of game creation with Godot and build upon your new skills, consider checking out our Godot Game Development Mini-Degree. This comprehensive program covers a broad spectrum of topics from GDScript, 2D and 3D game development, UI systems, and various game mechanics. It’s designed to take you from a beginner to a confident game developer, ready to tackle your own unique projects.

We understand the importance of hands-on learning, which is why our curriculum includes projects that you can add to your portfolio, proving your expertise in Godot. The courses are accessible at any time, offering you the flexibility to learn at your own pace. And for an even broader selection of resources, explore our extensive catalog of Godot courses. Whether you’re just starting or looking to level up your existing knowledge, Zenva has a course tailored to your needs. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create next!


As we wrap up this exploration of the Timer class in Godot 4, it’s clear that mastering this tool can significantly enhance the dynamics and polish of your game. Harnessing the power of time through code isn’t just a technical skill, but an art form that breathes life into your gaming worlds. At Zenva, our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and skills to transform your visions into reality. Whether it’s timing the perfect jump, pacing the enemy spawns, or adding tension with a countdown, your newfound proficiency with timers is a game-changing asset.

We invite you to continue honing your game development prowess with our Godot Game Development Mini-Degree and turn those timer-based mechanics into your own signature gameplay experiences. Keep creating, keep learning, and remember that with every line of code, you’re shaping the future of interactive entertainment. Let’s build incredible games together!

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