Best Unity Intermediate Tutorials This Year

As the world of game development continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for skilled developers who can create engaging and immersive experiences. Unity is a popular game engine that empowers developers to create games, applications, and interactive content across various platforms.

As you advance in your Unity journey, seeking intermediate tutorials can help you take your skills to the next level. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best Unity intermediate tutorials available this year and introduce you to the Unity Associate Programmer Certification Pathway offered by Zenva, a beginner-friendly resource that can help you advance your Unity skills.

What is Unity?

Unity is a powerful game engine and development platform that enables developers to create interactive, real-time 3D content for various platforms such as PC, mobile, and console games. As an industry-leading tool, Unity supports game developers, artists, architects, automotive designers, and filmmakers to bring their creative visions to life. With a multitude of built-in features and a large community of resources, Unity is an excellent choice for aspiring game developers to learn and grow.

You can learn a ton more about Unity via our What is Unity article!

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What an Intermediate Developer in Unity is Expected to Know

An intermediate Unity developer should have a strong grasp of foundational concepts and should be comfortable with:

  • Creating both 2D and 3D game scenes
  • Handling user input and creating user interfaces
  • Working with physics and collisions
  • Basic animation and audio integration
  • Understanding of the C# scripting language
  • Optimizing performance and bug fixing

Foundations You Need to Start Intermediate Tutorials

Before diving into intermediate level tutorials, you should have a solid understanding of the following fundamentals:

  • Unity interface and editor
  • Basic C# programming concepts (variables, functions, loops, etc.)
  • How to create simple game mechanics and logic
  • Using Unity’s component-based architecture
  • Importing and managing assets

Why Upgrading Your Unity Skills is Important

As you advance your Unity skills, you’ll unlock new opportunities and benefits, such as:

  • Increasing your employability in the competitive game development industry
  • Enhancing your ability to create more complex and engaging games
  • Staying up-to-date with new industry practices and technologies
  • Developing a more effective development workflow, making you faster and more efficient

What Can Developers Achieve with More Unity Skills

By advancing your Unity skills, you can:

  • Create more robust and intricate games and applications
  • Develop cross-platform projects for a wider audience
  • Target new platforms, such as VR and AR
  • Collaborate more effectively with others on larger projects
  • Expand your professional network and opportunities in the industry

In this article, we’ve curated a list of the best intermediate Unity tutorials, from both Zenva and other reputable sources, to help you develop your skills and achieve your goals in the world of game development. Happy learning!

Zenva’s Unity Associate Programmer Certification Pathway

Zenva Academy offers a comprehensive collection of courses that prepare students for the Unity Associate Programmer Certification exam. Unity Certification is an industry-recognized certification that proves the core competencies needed in developing with Unity. The courses cover various aspects of 2D and 3D games, with a focus on C# programming, UIs, asset management, and debugging. Students will learn by creating real projects and practicing new skills with quick challenges. The courses are designed to be flexible and accessible 24/7, allowing students to fit them around their schedules.

The curriculum is suitable for complete beginners with no prior coding experience, and the courses are structured in a way that makes it easy to skip ahead to the lessons that are relevant and interesting to students. Zenva Academy’s course instructors are serious gamers, qualified coders, and have been formally certified by Unity Technologies and CompTIA for their excellent programming and teaching skills.

GameDev Academy’s Unity Intermediate Tutorials

GameDev Academy offers a collection of free Unity game development tutorials, courses, and certifications. It covers various topics such as intermediate Unity development, Unity ECS, Unity AI, Unity ML-Agents, Unity Reflect, procedural level generation, API connection with Unity, and game optimization techniques. It also includes courses for Unity’s Associate Game Developer, Associate Programmer, User Artist, User Programmer, and User VR Developer certifications.

The article provides brief descriptions of each course and certification and highlights the benefits of learning them. The article is useful for anyone interested in improving their Unity game development skills or pursuing a career in the game development industry.

Unity Learn’s Intermediate Gameplay Scripting

Unity Learn offers guided learning pathways to build skills in Unity for those interested in pursuing a career in gaming and the Real Time 3D Industry. The Intermediate Scripting project contains essential knowledge for intermediate level scripting with video tutorials. The project is available in multiple Unity versions and languages. Unity Pro is a complete solution for professionals to create, operate and monetize.

Users can track their progress and get personalized recommendations. Unity also offers live sessions, courses, projects, and tutorials for learners. The platform also has an Educator Hub and resources for educators. Unity Technologies owns the Unity trademarks, and other names or brands are trademarks of their respective owners.

Blackthornprod’s Unity Intermediate Tutorials YouTube Channel

The Unity Intermediate Tutorials YouTube channel offers a range of tutorials for people interested in learning how to use Unity, a game engine used to create video games, virtual reality experiences, and other interactive content. The channel features videos on a variety of topics, including how to create 2D and 3D games, how to use Unity’s scripting language, and how to create user interfaces. The tutorials are aimed at people with some experience using Unity, but beginners can also benefit from the channel’s content. The channel is run by a person named “Blackthornprod,” who has been using Unity for several years and has a passion for teaching others how to use the engine. Overall, the “Unity Intermediate Tutorials” channel is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their Unity skills.

Unity’s Getting Started Guide

Unity’s Getting Started Guide offers an overview of Unity, a platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content. Unity is used by game developers, artists, architects, automotive designers, filmmakers, and more. The article offers various learning pathways and resources for beginners to develop their skills and get their real-time 3D projects off the ground. Unity Personal is a free version for individuals, hobbyists, and small organizations with less than $100K USD of revenue or funds raised in the last 12 months. Unity Learn offers over 750 hours of free, on-demand learning content.

Unity also offers various courses for beginners, including Unity Essentials, Junior Programmer, Creative Core, and VR Development Pathway. Additionally, Unity has a creator community, Unity Answers, Unity Forums, and Unity User Groups, where learners can find inspiration, ask questions, and connect with peers. The article also highlights Unity’s social impact initiatives, grants, and features.

Unity Forum’s Intermediate Methods in Unity

The Unity Forum features a post by coAdjoint, who has created a tutorial series on intermediate methods in Unity. The series mainly covers applications of the .net framework to Unity, and includes topics such as coroutines and animation, lambda expressions and actions, mesh creation and real-time modification, properties and static variables, and threading, properties, events, and delegates. The author is interested in feedback and suggestions for topics to cover. The post includes positive feedback from readers who found the tutorials useful and requested more advanced lessons with game examples. The author responds to feedback and provides additional tutorials on properties and fields and coroutines.


These Unity intermediate tutorials and resources offer a wealth of knowledge for developers looking to expand their skills and create more advanced projects. From Zenva’s Unity Associate Programmer Certification Pathway to various free tutorials and YouTube channels, there’s something for everyone at the intermediate level. By exploring these resources and investing in your education, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more accomplished Unity developer.

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