Unity Havok Physics Tutorials – Complete Guide

Havok, is a popular physics engine which can be found in many AAA games, and now it’s coming to Unity. So what does having Unity Havok Physics mean? Well for many years, people have been asking for an alternative to Unity’s built in physics system. It can be limiting for some developers, who want better performance from larger and more accurate physics simulations.

Announcing Unity and Havok Physics for DOTS – Unity Technologies Blogcircle preloader

Havok Physics Features

Havok Physics designed to handle the performance of many complex games which require many physics interactions.

  • Stable stacking of physics bodies
  • Better accuracy of fast-moving bodies
  • Better simulation performance (twice as fast as the existing system)
  • Higher simulation quality
  • Deep profiling and debugging

Although Havok Physics and the existing Unity physics may seem quite different, switching between the two can easily be done on runtime. This is because in the back-end of Unity, both physics systems run off the same data .

How To Add Unity Havok Physics to Your Project

Right now, Havok physics is in preview on the Package Manager with a minimum version of Unity 2019.3 required.


Other New Unity Features

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