Python Help Function Tutorial – Complete Guide

In the enchanting realm of Python programming, sometimes you may encounter mighty beasts disguised as complex functions or intricate chunks of code. To vanquish these foes, a valiant knight requires a powerful weapon—one that illuminates the hidden secrets of these menacing lines of code. Enter: the Python ‘help’ function, your trusted companion in the long and exciting journey of coding!

What is the Python ‘help’ Function?

The Python ‘help’ function is akin to a trusty map in an ambitious adventurer’s toolkit. It helps unveil the details of Python objects including modules, functions, classes, keywords, and more. What’s more, it does that right within the Python interpreter. It’s like having your guidebook at your fingertips!

Imagine finding yourself in a mystical labyrinth, the Python coding realm, teeming with multifaceted creatures like functions, classes, and modules. The Python ‘help’ function acts as your magical compass, guiding you through the convoluted maze. By unveiling the mysteries of Python objects, this function empowers you to code more effectively and efficiently.

As you embark on this journey, remember that while Python’s landscape is embracing for beginners, it is also deep and engaging enough to fascinate even seasoned coders. Becoming adept with the ‘help’ function puts you in a commanding position, helping you navigate any twists and turns in your coding quests seamlessly. Ready to explore further? Let the adventure commence!

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Using the Python ‘help’ Function – Basic Examples

Let’s hit the ground running with some basic examples that showcase how the Python ‘help’ function can come in clutch during your coding crusades.

When you want to seek understanding about Python’s built-in functions, ‘help’ will be your torchbearer. Let’s say you’re curious about the ‘print’ function. Just feed ‘print’ into the ‘help’ function like so:


And voila! All you need to know about the ‘print’ function – its purpose, parameters, and usage – will be unveiled.

Curious about modules? Feed the ‘help’ function a module name. Suppose you wish to deepen your understanding of Python’s ‘math’ module, just follow this simple codex:

    import math

Just like that, you will be presented with an elaborate map of the ‘math’ module, with details about its functions and classes!

Not just modules, you can also get information about Python methods:


Here, ‘help’ delves deep into the ‘endswith’ method of the ‘str’ class, enlightening you about its nitty-gritty details.

Diving Deeper with the ‘help’ Function

Now that you have a grasp on the basic uses, let’s delve further into the mysteries that the ‘help’ function can reveal.

When it comes to classes, ‘help’ stands strong by your side. Suppose you have a class ‘Knight’. To know more about your brave ‘Knight’, summon ‘help’:

class Knight:
    def flourish_sword(self):


Summoning ‘help’ on our brave ‘Knight’ reveals its secrets. In similar fashion, you can use ‘help’ to unravel the inner workings of any class!

To get help with specific methods within classes, use the format: ClassName.MethodName


This code reveals all about the ‘flourish_sword’ method within your ‘Knight’ class!

As you can see, the ‘help’ function seizes your struggles and turns them into triumphs, guiding you through your Python programming adventures. Remember, no challenge is too great, no puzzle is too complicated when you have the ‘help’ function as your companion!

More Adventures with Python ‘help’ Function

With your shield of courage and the ‘help’ function as your steadfast sword, let’s pierce deeper into the Python realm with more enlightening examples.

Ever curious about the Python keywords? Worry not, ‘help’ has got you covered:


This snippet divulges the sacred list of Python’s built-in keywords. These are special terms reserved for specific functions in Python and can’t be used for variable or function names.

Another gem in Python’s treasure trove is the ‘abs’ function. With ‘help’, you can easily unearth its secrets:


With this, you can learn about the ‘abs’ function’s magic: it returns the absolute value of the number it receives.

The Python ‘help’ function also deciphers the mysteries of class instances:

class Knight:
    def flourish_sword(self):
Lancelot = Knight()

This evokes ‘help’ on an instance of the ‘Knight’ class, ‘Lancelot’, revealing its details!

Let’s delve into dictionaries now:


As expected, our trusted ‘help’ function unveils the underlying nature of Python’s ‘dict’ class.

Python ‘help’ function decodes modules too! Got questions about the ‘os’ module? Here’s all your answers:

import os

This snippet unearth all the knowledge about the ‘os’ module, including the plethora of functions it contains!

The Python ‘help’ Function: Your Companion in Coding

There you have it—a mini-quest completed with our loyal companion, the Python ‘help’ function! From demystifying built-in functions and classes to illuminating the depths of Python’s modules, ‘help’ stands by your side, guiding you toward your coding goals!

At Zenva, we have a commitment to empowering programmers of all experience levels. So whether you’re a novice adventurer stepping foot into the realm of Python, or an experienced knight honing your skills, remembering your ally, the Python ‘help’ function, will ensure no coding challenge is too dire to overcome!

Where to Go Next?

Congratulations, brave adventurer! With the Python ‘help’ function in your coding toolkit, you’ve taken a significant stride in your quest towards Python mastery. But do not rest on your laurels for there are many more challenges to conquer, and mysteries to solve!

We wholeheartedly encourage you to continue your illustrious journey into the captivating realm of Python programming. The path to overcoming bigger challenges and achieving more ambitious goals becomes smoother with each new skill you acquire. And, the perfect companion to accompany you further in this quest is Zenva’s comprehensive Python Programming Mini-Degree.

Our trusted Python Mini-Degree is a treasure-trove of Python programming knowledge that offers well-designed courses covering coding basics, algorithms, object-oriented programming, game development, and app development. The curriculum is meticulously curated to accommodate both beginners and experienced learners.

With step-by-step projects and quick challenges in these courses, you’ll consolidate your learning experience while enjoying the thrill of creating games, apps, and implementing real-world projects.

As a programming language that finds extensive use in various industries, Python opens doors to fulfilling job opportunities. Our courses amplify this by offering flexible learning. You can access the courses 24/7 and learn at your own pace, empowering you to balance your learning journey with the nuances of your daily routine and commitments.

If you want to explore a broader selection of Python courses, feel free to dive into our Python Course Collection.


In the captivating realm of Python programming, your journey may seem daunting, especially with the myriad functions, modules and classes that dot the landscape. But fear not, brave coder! With the Python ‘help’ function by your side, each coding challenge transforms into a conquered battle and every mystery becomes an unveiled secret.

At Zenva, we’re your steadfast companions as you navigate your programming journey. If you’re eager for more coding quests, we invite you to explore our comprehensive Python Programming Mini-Degree. From beginner coder to wizard with the Python ‘help’ function, your journey of transformation is just beginning! Armed with knowledge and courage, seize your destiny in the world of Python programming!

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