Python Import System Tutorial – Complete Guide

Welcome, dear learners, to our comprehensive tutorial on the Python import system. Are you curious to explore the ins and outs of one of Python’s most powerful features? Great! Because we’re about to dive into what makes modules and packages so essential to Python programming, and how the import system makes all the magic happen.

What is the Python Import System?

The Python import system is a built-in feature of the Python programming language that allows programmers to make use of modules and packages in their code. In simple terms, it’s a handy tool to include existing libraries or bits of code, that performs specific tasks, in your own projects.

Imagine building a game where you need some intricate mathematical computations. Rather than writing all those complex pieces of codes from scratch, you can make use of Python’s built-in “math” module which has all those codes pre-written. This is the benefit of Python’s import system—it saves time and efforts.

Learning Python’s import system is like acquiring your own coding toolkit. It sharpens your coding efficiency and empowers you to leverage Python’s vast ecosystem. Also, as most Python libraries, including popular ones like NumPy and Pandas, are in the form of modules, mastering the import system is a must for any aspiring Python developer.

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Basic import statement

Let’s begin our journey by exploring the basics of Python’s import system.

Importing a module

Before we can use any module, we first need to import it using the basic import statement. Check out the simple example below:

import math

In this example, we import Python’s built-in module ‘math’ and print the value of pi present in ‘math’.

Renaming a module while importing

We can rename a module while importing it using the “as” keyword. This is particularly useful when we want to use a shorter alias for a module with a long name or conform to certain established conventions. Here’s how:

import math as m

In this instance, we import the ‘math’ module using the alias ‘m’.

Advanced import statement

Importing specific attributes

Python allows us to import only specific attributes or functions from a module by using the “from…import” statement.

from math import pi

In this code, we make use of the specific attribute ‘pi’ from the ‘math’ module.

Importing everything from a module

Sometime, you might want to import all functions and variables from a module. Python offers the “from…import *” statement to make this possible. However, use it sparingly as it might lead to naming conflicts.

from math import *

Here, we import all attributes from ‘math’, so we no longer need to prefix them with the module.

Renaming whilst importing specific attributes

Python offers the flexibility to rename specific attributes or functions during import.

from math import pi as circle_ratio

Here, the attribute ‘pi’ is imported from the ‘math’ module and renamed as ‘circle_ratio’.

Digging Deeper into Import System

Now that we’ve understood the basics of Python’s import system, let’s peel back the layers and look at some of the complex aspects. Get your hard hats ready, we’re about to dig deeper!

Importing a module only once

Python only imports a module once throughout a session, even if the import command is executed again. Every subsequent import command simply refers to the already loaded module.

import math

import math
print(math.sqrt(4)) # Doesn't re-import math

Here we import the ‘math’ module twice, but Python refers to the pre-loaded ‘math’ in the second instance.

Python Import Search System

When we ask Python to import a module, Python searches for it in a specific order:

  • Built-in modules.
  • Directories defined in Python’s sys.path.

Python stops searching as soon as it finds a module with the requested name.

Checking Python’s Import search path

We can check the directories that Python considers for imports using the sys module.

import sys

This print statement provides us with a list of directories that Python checks during its module search.

Adding directories to Python’s Import search path

We can add new directories to Python’s search path using sys.path.append().

import sys

In this snippet, ‘/path/to/directory’ is added to Python’s search path, so all modules in this directory can be imported easily.

Importing packages

A package in Python is simply a way of organizing related modules into a neat hierarchy. A package is a directory that contains a special file called and one or more module files. Here is an example of how to import a module from a package:

from my_package import my_module

Here, ‘my_module’ is a module within the package ‘my_package’.

Where to Go Next?

The world of Python’s import system is vast and fascinating, offering a plethora of opportunities for coders. Now that you’ve dipped your toes into the waters of Python imports, it’s time to venture out into the wider ocean of Python’s fascinating capabilities.

Searching for in-depth, comprehensive resources to enhance your Python prowess? Then our Python Mini-Degree is perfect for you. This mini-degree covers a wide spectrum of topics ranging from basic coding to algorithms, object-oriented programming, game development, and app development. We, at Zenva, believe in active learning. Hence, the mini-degree comprises hands-on projects and quizzes to reinforce what you’ve learned.

If you’re seeking more broad-based learning material to both begin or continue your Python journey, do check out our Python courses. Our curriculum is carefully curated by experienced coders and gamers, whose instruction incorporates real-world apps and Unity-certified gaming projects.

Remember, coding is not just a skill—it’s an adventure. So, lace up your explorer’s boots and start your journey with us at Zenva. Happy learning!


Understanding Python’s import system is an integral part of becoming an expert Python developer. To loop back to our construction analogy – just like building with blocks, once you master the basics, you can start creating more complex structures! The more you explore, the more fascinating features you’ll uncover. So, the key is to keep experimenting, keep connecting those blocks, and keep evolving.

Ready for a deep dive into Python? We at Zenva are equipped with all the tools you need to build your Python mastery. From bite-sized courses to comprehensive degrees, our learning solutions cater to all learning styles and levels. With our Python Mini-Degree at your disposal, let’s get started! Build your knowledge, expand your skills, and let’s create together. Happy learning!

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