C++ Exit Tutorial – Complete Guide

As an enthusiast or novice programmer, you might’ve faced certain situations where you’d want your C++ program to end immediately, without executing the remaining lines of code. This is where the “c++ exit” function comes to your aid! Let’s delve into this intriguing aspect of the C++ language that allows quick termination of a program, serving various coding needs and strategies.

What is the ‘exit’ function in C++?

The ‘exit’ function in C++ is a standard library function that terminates the execution of a program. It stops the execution at the point where it is invoked, and no further line of the code is executed after the exit function call.

Why should you learn about ‘exit’ function?

Understanding the ‘exit’ function is a stepping stone to mastering error handling and program control management in C++. It is an important tool for debugging specific code sections or handling unexpected user input. This valuable knowledge promotes writing code that can handle a variety of scenarios, providing more robust and flexible strategies for code execution.

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How to use the ‘exit’ function?

The ‘exit’ function is quite simple to use. It requires an integer argument denoting an exit status where ‘0’ typically signifies a normal termination, whereas any other number (usually ‘1’) indicates abnormal termination.

#include<cstdlib> // Required for exit() function

int main() {
   std::cout << "Before the exit function call\n";
   std::cout << "After the exit function call";
   return 0;

The string “After the exit function call” is never printed, as the exit function terminates the program before it gets a chance.

Incorporating Error Handling with ‘exit’

You can use the ‘exit’ function for handling errors during code execution. Consider a scenario where a negative number is input where only positive numbers should be acceptable. The ‘exit’ function can immediately stop the program, saving computing resources and preventing further undesired outcomes.


int main() {
   int num;
   std::cout <> num;
   if(num < 0) {
      std::cout << "Error: Negative number entered\n";
   std::cout << "You entered: " << num;
   return 0;

In the above code, entering a negative number prints “Error: Negative number entered” and then calls exit(1), halting the program instantly.

Returning Values to the Operating System

An important part of using ‘exit’ is the ability to return exit statuses to the operating system. This can provide valuable information about the nature of an error if one occurs or simply provide a report on the termination of the program.


int main() {
   int num;
   std::cout <> num;
   if(num < 0) {
      std::cout << "Error: Negative number entered\n";
      return(1); // Unsafe Termination
   return(0); // Safe Termination

In the above snippet, return(0) denotes a successful termination and return(1) denotes an unsuccessful termination. These values can be captured by the operating system to get insights about the termination of the program.

Handling Multiple Exit Points

Another beneficial application of the ‘exit’ function is when you have multiple exit points in your program. Let’s take it a step further by looking at a more complex user-defined function with multiple exit conditions:


void division(int a, int b) {
   if(b == 0) {
      std::cout << "Error: Division by Zero";
   std::cout << "Result: " << a / b;

int main() {
   int numerator, denominator;
   std::cout <> numerator >> denominator;
   return 0;

In this example, if the denominator entered by the user is zero, the program prints an error message and terminates immediately using the ‘exit’ function. Thus, the ‘exit’ function helps in validating inputs and maintaining smooth control flow.

Differentiating Exit Statuses

Apart from returning ‘0’ or ‘1’, you can use any integer as the status code. This can be leveraged to differentiate between various types of errors in a program. Extending our previous example:


void division(int a, int b) {
   if(b == 0){
      std::cout << "Error: Division by Zero";
   if(b < 0) {
      std::cout << "Error: Negative Denominator";
   std::cout << "Result: " << a / b;

int main() {
   int numerator, denominator;
   std::cout <> numerator >> denominator;

In this code, the ‘exit’ function is used to stop the program with different statuses for different types of input errors, providing more precision in diagnostics.

Usage of ‘exit’ in Exception Handling

Exception handling is an integral part of robust programming. The ‘exit’ function can be used efficiently to stop the program and notify the operating system about the exception:


class MyException : public std::exception {
   const char* what() const throw() {
      std::cout << "Custom Exception Happened";

int main() {
   try {
      throw MyException();
   catch(MyException& e) {
      std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
   return 0;

Here, we define a custom exception class by inheriting from the standard ‘exception’ class. In the ‘what’ function of the custom exception class, we use the ‘exit’ function to halt the program as soon as our custom exception is encountered.

As you continue exploring the world of programming with us at Zenva, you’ll regularly find that understanding these foundational elements like the ‘exit’ function will significantly bolster your coding skills and efficiency. Happy coding!

The ‘exit’ Function with For Loops

Let’s see how the ‘exit’ function can be used inside a loop.


int main() {
   for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
         std::cout << "Exiting on 6th iteration\n";
      std::cout << "Iteration " << i+1 << "\n";
   return 0;

In this example, the ‘exit’ function is used to stop the loop execution on the 6th iteration. So, the code within the loop only runs five times, even though it seems as if it should run ten times.

The ‘exit’ Function in Branching

The ‘exit’ function is also effective when used within switch-case or if-else structures.


int main() {
   int choice;
   std::cout <> choice;
   switch(choice) {
      case 1:
         std::cout << "Selected 1\n";
      case 2:
         std::cout << "Selected 2 - Exiting now...";
      case 3:
         std::cout << "Selected 3\n";
         std::cout << "Invalid Input\n";
   std::cout << "End of program!";
   return 0;

If the user selects ‘2’, the program prints “Selected 2 – Exiting now…”, and the application is terminated without the “End of program!” output. In case of invalid input, again program execution halts, this time with an abnormal exit status ‘1’.

Comparing ‘exit’ with ‘return’

Although ‘exit’ and ‘return’ serve quite similar purposes, their execution context varies. The ‘return’ statement is generally used to go back to the function that called the current one, whereas ‘exit’ is used to terminate the application forcibly.


int func() {
   std::cout << "Before the return call\n";
   std::cout << "After the return call\n";

int main() {
   std::cout << "End of main";
   return 0;

In this case, the last line “After the return call” of the ‘func’ function is not printed, but the control is transferred back to ‘main’ function after ‘return’, allowing the “End of main” statement to be printed.

‘exit’ with Input File Stream (ifstream)

Another application for ‘exit’ function is in file handling, for instance, in situations when a file fails to open for some reason:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

int main() {
   std::ifstream source_file("non_existing_file.txt");
   if(!source_file) {
      std::cerr << "Error: Source file cannot be opened";
   // Code to read the file data   
   return 0;

In this code, ‘exit’ function terminates the program if the file cannot be opened, and an error message is written to the standard error stream.

There’s much to be discovered and many complex problems to solve as you journey with us at Zenva. Armed with the knowledge of the ‘exit’ function, you’re well on your way to writing better-organized and more efficient C++ programs. Keep exploring!

While this tutorial has merely scratched the surface of using the ‘exit’ function in C++, we hope that this has sparked your interest and you’re enthralled to explore further. Mastery in C++ requires continual learning and hands-on practice, addressing various complexities it has to offer.

And what’s a better way to forge ahead in your coding journey than by signing up with us at Zenva’s C++ Programming Academy? With our variety of accessible courses for learners at all stages, you can delve deep into C++ programming, object-oriented concepts, game development with SFML, and more. Our practical, project-based approach allows you to construct a robust portfolio of real C++ projects, greatly enhancing your learning experience.

Looking to diversify your skill set? Have a glance at our wide collection of C++ Courses as well. At Zenva, we cater to a plethora of learning needs, astonishing you at every step with the vast expanse of knowledge we offer. Remember, keep questioning, keep exploring, and keep coding!


No matter where you are on your coding journey, it’s always essential to dig deeper and explore effective ways to write cleaner, more efficient software. Incorporating the ‘exit’ function into your C++ toolkit is a reliable way to do just that. Grasping tools for precise control over your program’s execution can truly escalate your coding expertise, paving your path towards becoming a proficient programmer.

At Zenva, we are all about empowering our learners with the right set of skills and knowledge that make a difference. Our resource-rich C++ Programming Academy promises to equip you with in-demand programming skills- all through an engaging and flexible learning platform. Start your journey with us today and step into the world of possibilities. Happy coding!

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