Atan2 C++ Tutorial – Complete Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the atan2 function in C++. In the world of coding, having a vast knowledge of different functions and their applications helps you to tackle problem solving with creativity and confidence. If you’re interested in game development or any other field where angles and rotations are of vital importance, learning about atan2 will be highly beneficial.

What is atan2 in C++?

atan2 is a mathematical function available in the C++ language. It calculates the arc tangent of two numbers, usually coordinates, and yields results within the range (-π, π]. In simpler words, it helps to find the angle of rotation in a 2D space which is a common requirement in almost all spatially interactive programs like games.

Why is atan2 Important?

Understanding atan2 is not just another addition to your C++ functions library, but it opens the door to better control over your programs’ geometrical operations. With atan2, you can:

  • Calculate the precise orientation of a point in 2D space.
  • Work out the direction in which an object in a game should move or face.
  • Simplify complex operations involving rotational movements.

Its versatility lies in its ability to handle quadrants correctly, and its result is always clear and accurate.

What can atan2 do for Me?

atan2 is often underestimated, but it’s frequently used in various game development mechanics. It is this function that helps your game characters to rotate smoothly, your AI to choose the right path, and your physics engine to calculate collisions accurately. If you’re aspiring to step into the world of game development, adding atan2 in your toolset could open the gateway to creating more appealing and interactive game mechanics.

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How to use atan2 in C++

You can use atan2 function in C++ using the syntax: atan2 (y,x). Let’s walk through some examples to illustrate it practically.

Firstly, here is how you would use atan2 to calculate an angle:


int main() 
    double y = 10; 
    double x = 10; 
    double result = atan2(y, x); 
    std::cout << "The resultant angle is: " << result; 
    return 0; 

In the example above, we’ve used the atan2 function to calculate the angle, passing in ‘y’ and ‘x’ as parameters. The result is then printed to the console.

Understanding the atan2 output

The resultant value of atan2 is in radians, so you might want to convert it into degrees for better understanding. Multiply it by 180/π as shown in the code snippet below:


int main() 
    double y = 10; 
    double x = 10; 
    double result = atan2(y, x) * (180 / 3.14);
    std::cout << "The resultant angle is: " << result; 
    return 0; 

We can also calculate the atan2 of negative numbers as follows:


int main() 
    double y = -10; 
    double x = -10; 
    double result = atan2(y, x) * (180 / 3.14);
    std::cout << "The resultant angle is: " << result; 
    return 0; 

The atan2 function works effectively with negative numbers too, and gives accurate results.

Using atan2 to Direct Movement in 2D Space

In game development, atan2 can be instrumental for directing characters. Let’s see an example:


void DirectMovement(double targetX, double targetY, double& velX, double& velY, double speed)
    double dx = targetX - velX;
    double dy = targetY - velY;
    double angle = atan2(dy,dx);
    velX += cos(angle) * speed;
    velY += sin(angle) * speed;

int main() 
    double velocityX = 0; 
    double velocityY = 0;
    DirectMovement(50,50,velocityX, velocityY, 1);
    std::cout << "New direction is (" << velocityX << ", " << velocityY << ")"; 
    return 0; 

This code defines a function DirectMovement that calculates the new direction of a point, altering its velocity, toward a designated target point in 2D space. This velocity alteration can be useful for having a character or object smoothly move towards a target location.

Advanced atan2 Usages

Determining Quadrant with atan2

atan2 is particularly helpful in determining the quadrant in which a point lies. Let’s demonstrate this with a quick example:


int main() 
    double y = -10; 
    double x = -10; 
    double result = atan2(y, x) * (180 / 3.14);

    if(result > 0 && result <= 90)
        std::cout < 90 && result <= 180)
        std::cout < -180 && result <= -90)
        std::cout << "The point lies in Quadrant III";
        std::cout << "The point lies in Quadrant IV";
    return 0; 

This code snippet helps us to determine the quadrant in which the point lies based on the resulting angle from atan2.

Calculating angle between two vectors

atan2 is also tremendously useful in calculating the angle between two vectors:

#define PI 3.14159265

double calculateAngle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
    double dot = x1*x2 + y1*y2;      // dot product
    double det = x1*y2 - y1*x2;      // determinant
    double angle = atan2(det, dot) * (180 / PI);  // atan2(y, x) 
    return (angle < 0) ? angle += 360 : angle;

int main() 
    double angle = calculateAngle(3, 4, 4, 3);
    std::cout << "Angle between vectors is : " << angle;
    return 0; 

In this code snippet, the function calculateAngle is defined to calculate the angle between two vectors. It simply calculates the dot product and determinant of the two vectors and passes them into the atan2 function.

Creating a simple Clock with atan2

Let’s wrap up with an interesting example of how atan2 can be applied to calculate the current hour on a simple clock:

#define PI 3.14159265

int main() 
    double x = -1; //Assume x position
    double y = 1;  //Assume y position

    double angle = atan2(y, x) * (180 / PI);
    int hour = round((angle > 180 ? angle-=180 : angle+180) / 30); //Calculate the hour

    std::cout << "Hour on the clock is: " << hour; 

    return 0; 

In this code, we simulate a clock hand direction using x and y. The atan2 function is then used to convert this direction into an angle. Once the angle is adjusted within the range of a full clock (360 degrees), it is divided by 30 to obtain the current hour (given that a clock has 12 hours and thus each hour falls into a 30-degree sector).

As shown through various examples, atan2 is an indispensable mathematical function that has wide applications in the field of game development, animations and more. By mastering it, you can open up a plethora of opportunities to create more advanced, polished and interactive experiences in your projects. At Zenva, we strive to bring difficult topics closer to our learners to ensure they make the most out of them. Empower your coding journey with us and keep learning efficiently. Keep coding, keep creating.

Advanced Applications of atan2 in C++

Crafting your programming skills around sines and cosines, and how they’re used with angles to calculate positions in a 2D game is invaluable. In this section, we’ll further explore atan2 and provide additional code examples for further study.

Animating a Spinning Object

First, let’s consider a typical scenario: an object rotating around a centered point. Here’s how to calculate its position:

#define PI 3.14159265

double calculatePosition(double angle, double distance)
    double x = cos(angle * PI / 180.0 ) * distance;
    double y = sin(angle * PI / 180.0 ) * distance;
    std::cout << "Position is: (" << x << ", " << y << ")";
    return 0;

int main()
    calculatePosition(45, 10);
    return 0;

In this solution, atan2 was used to calculate the x and y coordinates of the rotating object, assuming it’s rotating at a 45-degree angle and a distance of 10 units from the center.

Mimicking Gravity

Here’s how atan2 can be used to create a simple simulation of gravity:

#define PI 3.14159265

double calculateFall(double x, double y, double speed)
    double angle = atan2(y, x);
    double newX = x + cos(angle) * speed;
    double newY = y + sin(angle) * speed;
    std::cout << "New position after fall is: (" << newX << ", " << newY << ")";
    return 0;

int main()
    calculateFall(10, 20, 5);
    return 0;

In this code, the atan2 function calculates the angle between the object (represented by x, y coordinates) and the ground plane. Then, it applies this angle towards the object’s position, simulating a gravitational fall towards the ground in the next time frame.

Calculating Angular Velocity

Let’s use atan2 to calculate the angular velocity of a spinning object. Here’s a simple C++ program to carry out this task:

#define PI 3.14159265

double calculateAngularVelocity(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double time)
    double angle1 = atan2(y1, x1);
    double angle2 = atan2(y2, x2);
    double angularVelocity = (angle2 - angle1) / time;
    std::cout << "The angular velocity is: " << angularVelocity;
    return 0;

int main()
    calculateAngularVelocity(10, 5, 20, 10, 2);
    return 0;

In this last example, the atan2 function calculates the angles between the object’s initial and final positions. It then divides the difference by the time elapsed to find the object’s angular velocity.

We hope these examples give you a better grasp on atan2 and its applications in C++. Learning the ropes of atan2 wouldn’t just improve your knowledge in mathematics but also helps to perform more complex operations in your programming journey. At Zenva, we make it our mission to present complex coding topics in an engaging, easy-to-understand manner. Keep learning, keep coding!

Where to Go Next

Now that you’ve taken the leap into the world of C++ programming and acquainted yourself with the atan2 function, your journey as a coder has just begun. To continue improving your skills, consider exploring our C++ Programming Academy. This comprehensive program is designed to teach the ins and outs of C++ in an engaging and streamlined way, at your own pace and accessible on any device, 24/7.

The courses in the C++ Programming Academy afforded by Zenva are more than just about teaching code – they empower you to create and innovate, preparing you for exciting real-world projects or high-paying developer positions. No matter if you’re just starting out with no programming experience, or an established coder looking to advance, we’ve got you covered.

For an expansive view of everything C++ related we offer, have a look at our full range of C++ Courses. Each course comes with a completion certificate, adding value and substance to your growing developer’s portfolio.

Remember, learning to code can be like building a sandcastle. It might appear challenging and complicated at first, with sand slipping away from your hands all the time. But once you grasp the fundamentals in your hand, you can shape and sculpt things way beyond your imagination. Exciting challenges, innovations, and opportunities await you on your programming journey with us at Zenva. Keep going!


Mastering atan2 and other technical aspects of programming is an important milestone in your journey to becoming a capable and creative developer. Whether you aspire to create captivating video games or effective software solutions, a thorough foundation in C++ and advanced mathematical functions like atan2 will be a worthy arsenal in your toolkit.

At Zenva, we take pride in making complex coding concepts simpler and approachable for everyone. As you step ahead in your coding journey, our C++ Programming Academy is poised to offer the right guidance and resources. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep building a future woven with dynamic, engaging and creative coding adventures.

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