What Are Global Variables

Understanding the nuances of global variables is an essential cornerstone in the world of coding. Whether you’re embarking on your first coding endeavor or you’re a seasoned programmer brushing up your skills, grappling with the concept of global variables can significantly impact the way you architect your software and solve problems. This tutorial will demystify global variables and provide you with the knowledge to use them effectively and wisely in your programming projects.

What Are Global Variables?

Global variables are data elements accessible from any scope within your program. Unlike local variables that are confined within a function or a block of code, global variables are declared outside of all functions and can be read and modified across functions, classes, and even files depending on the language and its scope rules.

What Are Global Variables Used For?

Global variables serve various purposes in programming:

  • They facilitate the sharing of information across different parts of a program without the need to pass parameters.
  • They can help maintain state or configuration settings that are central to the operation of the program.

Why Should I Learn About Global Variables?

Understanding global variables is fundamental because:

  • They influence the structure and behavior of your code.
  • Proper use can make code more readable and maintainable, while misuse can lead to code that is difficult to debug and prone to errors.

With this knowledge under your belt, you’ll be better equipped to write quality code that stands the test of complex software development environments.

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Declaring and Using Global Variables in JavaScript

In JavaScript, global variables can be created by declaring them outside any function or by omitting the var, let, or const keyword. Here’s how you can declare a global variable:

var globalVar = "I am global";

Once declared, this variable can be accessed and modified from anywhere in your code. For example:

function exampleFunction() {
  globalVar = "I am changed globally";
console.log(globalVar); // Outputs "I am global"
console.log(globalVar); // Outputs "I am changed globally"

It’s important to note that if we use ‘var’, ‘let’, or ‘const’ inside a function, we create a local variable with the same name, which does not affect the global variable:

function anotherFunction() {
  var globalVar = "I am local";
  console.log(globalVar); // Outputs "I am local"
console.log(globalVar); // Still outputs "I am changed globally"

Avoiding Global Variable Pollution in Python

In Python, global variables are declared at the top level of the script, and like JavaScript, they can be accessed from any function. However, to modify a global variable within a function, you must use the ‘global’ keyword:

globalVar = "I am global"

def change_global():
    global globalVar
    globalVar = "I have been changed globally"

print(globalVar)  # Outputs "I am global"
print(globalVar)  # Outputs "I have been changed globally"

Remember, it’s best practice to minimize the use of global variables. Use function parameters and returns to pass data:

def example_function(localVar):
    localVar += " and now I have been changed locally"
    return localVar

myVar = "I am local"
print(myVar)  # Outputs "I am local"
myVar = example_function(myVar)
print(myVar)  # Outputs "I am local and now I have been changed locally"

Understanding Variable Scope in C++

In C++, global variables are declared outside of all functions, usually at the top of the program. The scope of the global variable spans the entire program, so it can be accessed by any function:

int globalVar = 5;

void someFunction() {
  globalVar = 10;

int main() {
  cout << globalVar << endl; // Outputs 5
  cout << globalVar << endl; // Outputs 10
  return 0;

To avoid conflicts, you can use static variables in functions to keep a variable global only within a file:

// File1.cpp
#include <iostream>

static int fileScopedVar = 10;

void changeFileScopedVar() {
  fileScopedVar = 20;
// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
extern void changeFileScopedVar();

int main() {
  extern int fileScopedVar;
  std::cout << fileScopedVar << std::endl; // Outputs 10
  std::cout << fileScopedVar << std::endl; // Still outputs 10
  return 0;

Here, fileScopedVar is global within File1.cpp, but not accessible in main.cpp, demonstrating how static variables can limit the global scope to a single file.

Global Variables in Java

Java handles global variables through the use of static fields. To make a variable global in Java, it’s declared as a static field within a class. This way, it’s associated with the class, not an instance of it.

public class GlobalVars {
  public static String globalVar = "I am global";

public class AccessGlobal {
  public void modifyGlobalVar() {
    GlobalVars.globalVar = "I've been modified globally";

public class TestGlobal {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(GlobalVars.globalVar); // Outputs "I am global"
    AccessGlobal ag = new AccessGlobal();
    System.out.println(GlobalVars.globalVar); // Outputs "I've been modified globally"

This practice of using static fields as global variables emphasizes the concept of encapsulating the global state within an object-oriented framework and ensures a clear structure for globally accessible data.

As we dive deeper into understanding global variables and their implementation across different programming languages, it’s imperative to have a grasp of best practices to avoid common pitfalls associated with their use.

In the realm of web development with HTML and CSS, JavaScript’s integration makes understanding global scope crucial. Imagine you’re working with multiple scripts on a web page:

<!-- In your HTML head or body -->
<script src="script1.js"></script>
<script src="script2.js"></script>

In script1.js, you may declare a global variable:

// script1.js
var siteTitle = "Zenva Academy";

And in script2.js, without careful planning, you might accidentally overwrite it:

// script2.js
siteTitle = "New Title"; // Modifies the siteTitle from script1

To prevent this accidental overwrite, it’s good practice to encapsulate globals in an object:

// Using an object to encapsulate global variables
var AppConfig = {
  siteTitle: "Zenva Academy"

// Accessing the global variable safely

In languages like Python, globals can be used to define constants. Following the convention, these are all uppercase:

PI = 3.14159

def calculate_circumference(radius):
    return 2 * PI * radius

print(calculate_circumference(5))  # Returns the circumference

This is useful when you have a value needed across various parts of your application that does not change. However, Python’s naming convention signals to other programmers that this variable should be treated as a constant and not modified.

In the context of C++, a global variable shared among multiple files can be declared with the extern keyword to indicate that the variable is defined in another file:

// main.cpp
extern int sharedVar; // Declaration of a global variable defined elsewhere

int main() {
  sharedVar = 2;
  // ... do something with sharedVar
  return 0;

// sharedDef.cpp
int sharedVar; // Definition of the global variable

It’s important to note that the extern keyword only declares the global variable. The actual storage for the variable is defined without the keyword in another file, often alongside the functions that use it.

Moving over to Java, care must be taken when using static fields as global variables, particularly with matters of concurrency:

public class GlobalCounter {
  public static int counter = 0;
  public static synchronized void incrementCounter() {

// From multiple threads, calling incrementCounter could lead to race conditions if not synchronized

When multiple threads access and modify a static field, it can result in race conditions which corrupt the value. The synchronized keyword helps avoid this by ensuring that only one thread can access the method at a time.

In any programming endeavor, global variables should be approached with caution. They can be incredibly useful for sharing data where appropriate, but knowing when and how to use them is a skill acquired over time. By following best practices and encapsulating global data, you ensure that your code remains both scalable and maintainable. Remember, at Zenva, we encourage smart coding and aim to provide you with the best resources and knowledge to become a proficient developer.

Global variables are a double-edged sword, offering convenience at the potential cost of reduced control over your program’s state. As we explore further, let’s consider some common scenarios where global variables may be used, along with appropriate examples to illustrate these concepts.

For web applications, global variables can be critical for maintaining user sessions:

// Defining a global object to store session data
var SessionData = {
  user: 'Jane Doe',
  authenticated: true

function logOutUser() {
  SessionData.authenticated = false;
  // Additional logout logic

// Checking for a user's authentication status
if (SessionData.authenticated) {
  // Perform actions for authenticated users

In this context, the global SessionData object provides a central place to manage user-related details. It’s beneficial for keeping track of the current user’s state throughout the session but should be handled with care to avoid security issues.

Let’s explore another example in Python for configuring application settings:

# config.py
DEBUG = True
DATABASE_URL = "localhost"

# main.py
from config import DEBUG, DATABASE_URL

def connect_to_database():
    if DEBUG:
        # Use a mock database if in DEBUG mode
        return MockDatabase()
        # Use your real database connection logic here

Here we define global variables for configuration constants in a separate file, which can be imported wherever we need them. This is a clean way to maintain settings that need to be accessed by various parts of the application.

In C++, globals can be used for defining application-wide constants, much like in Python:

// constants.h

namespace Constants {
    const double Pi = 3.14159;
    const int MaxUsers = 100;

#endif // CONSTANTS_H

// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "constants.h"

int main() {
    std::cout << "Pi: " << Constants::Pi << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max users: " << Constants::MaxUsers << std::endl;
    return 0;

By wrapping constants in a namespace, we avoid global variable pollution while providing a simple way to include these settings throughout our application.

For application status flags that might be needed across functions and modules, globals come in handy:

// statusFlags.js
let isApplicationRunning = true;

function checkApplicationStatus() {
  if (!isApplicationRunning) {
    console.warn('The application is currently paused or stopped.');

// In another script or module
function toggleApplicationState() {
  isApplicationRunning = !isApplicationRunning;

In this JavaScript snippet, the isApplicationRunning flag can be toggled from anywhere in the application to represent the state of the system, and any part of the code can call checkApplicationStatus to act accordingly.

Java developers may also encounter a need for global settings, especially regarding feature toggles or experimental features:

public class FeatureFlags {
  public static boolean isNewFeatureEnabled = false;

public class FeatureService {
  public void displayFeature() {
    if (FeatureFlags.isNewFeatureEnabled) {
      // Code to display the new feature
    } else {
      // Code to display the old feature

public class AdminPanel {
  public void toggleNewFeature(boolean enabled) {
    FeatureFlags.isNewFeatureEnabled = enabled;

In these examples, we’ve observed that global variables can play various roles, from configuration settings and session management to feature toggles and application flags. However, each usage scenario comes with the need for caution, especially in multi-threaded or multi-module environments where the variable’s state can be modified from various contexts. Being prudent with your application architecture by encapsulating your globals, as we do here at Zenva, ensures that your code harnesses the benefits of global variables without falling prey to their potential drawbacks.

Continue Your Learning Journey with Zenva

Your adventure in mastering global variables is just beginning, and there’s a whole world of coding knowledge waiting for you. To take your skills further, explore our comprehensive Python Mini-Degree. You’ll dive into Python, a language celebrated for its simplicity and wide-ranging applications, from web development to data science. Our Python Mini-Degree is a treasure trove of knowledge, regardless of your current skill level. Unlock the joy of bringing your own games, apps, and algorithms to life, while building a valuable, project-based portfolio.

For those looking to broaden their expertise even further, our array of Programming courses covers a vast selection of topics. With over 250 supported courses, Zenva is the ultimate platform to accelerate your career in tech. From coding basics to advanced game development and AI, there’s content to help you grow from beginner to professional. With our flexible, 24/7 accessible courses, you can learn at your own pace and earn certificates to showcase your achievements. Join our thriving community of over 1 million learners and developers, and start shaping your future in tech today.


Whether you dream of developing the next hit game, automating your workload with some savvy scripting, or crafting cutting-edge AI, understanding global variables is a stepping stone on your programming journey. With the foundational knowledge and best practices you’ve learned here, you can code confidently, reduce bugs, and maintain a clean workflow in your development process.

As we wrap up our exploration of global variables, remember that your growth as a developer is ongoing. At Zenva, we’re dedicated to supporting your learning every step of the way with our Python Mini-Degree and various Programming courses. Step into a community that empowers you, and gain the skills that will define your future. Embark on your next chapter with Zenva and let us unlock the potential within you.

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