Roblox User Input Service Tutorial – Complete Guide

Learning to navigate in the world of coding and game creating could seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re just starting out. However, with the right resources and guidance at your fingertips, it can turn into a highly rewarding and engaging journey. A specific tool that can significantly enhance your game-creating experience is the Roblox User Input Service, which we’ll learn more about in this article.

What is Roblox User Input Service?

Roblox User Input Service is a service in the Roblox scripting API that enables code to handle user input directly. This includes input from keystrokes, mouse movements, touchscreen input, and more.

Why Use the Roblox User Input Service?

Leveraging the User Input Service in Roblox allows you to create more interactive and engaging experiences for game players. It is a vital tool in creating any game on Roblox, as it provides you with the means to respond to different user actions.

What Can You Do with Roblox User Input Service?

With the User Input Service, you can code responses to specific user input events, such as keystrokes, and mouse movements or clicks. This gives you the freedom to create complex interactivity, offering a more immersive gaming experience for your users.

Just like learning any other new tool or language, getting comfortable with Roblox User Input Service requires some practice. However, with consistency and tad bit of patience, you can easily get the hang of it. After all, pursuing coding and game creation is all about continuous learning, and we’re proud to be your companion in this exciting journey.

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Getting Started with Roblox User Input Service

To make use of the User Input Service in your Roblox game, you first need to call the UserInputService class. You can assign it to a variable as follows:

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

Handling Keyboard Input

We can detect keyboard input by defining an InputBegan event for a certain key. Let’s show an example of how you can do this:

local function handleInput(input)
    if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
        print("Space key was pressed.")


In the example above, the function `handleInput` is called whenever any key is pressed. If the key pressed is the Space key, it will print “Space key was pressed.”

Part 2: Differentiating Between Device Types

Depending on what type of device your game is played from, mouse, touch, or keyboard input could vary. You can detect the device type with the following code:

if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then
    print("Using a touchscreen device")
elseif UserInputService.MouseEnabled then
    print("Using a mouse device")
elseif UserInputService.KeyboardEnabled then
    print("Using a keyboard device")

Handling Mouse Input

In a similar fashion to keyboard input, you can also handle mouse input events.

    if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
        print("Left mouse button was clicked.")

This code prints “Left mouse button was clicked.” when the left mouse button is clicked.

Handling Touch Input

Finally, handling touch input enables your game to be interactive on touchscreen devices.

    print("Touch event started")

The code above listens for a touch event and prints “Touch event started” when it occurs. With these basic examples, you should be able to handle different types of user input in your Roblox game.

Advanced Use Cases of Roblox User Input Service

As you deepen your understanding of the User Input Service in Roblox, you can start incorporating more complex input events into your game. Let’s explore more advanced examples highlighting the power of this tool.

Combining Different Inputs

You can have code that responds to a specific combination of user input actions. For example, you may want some action to happen if the user holds down a key and then clicks their mouse. Here’s how you can do that:

local isSpaceKeyDown = false

-- Handle the key down event
local function handleKeyDown(input)
    if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
        isSpaceKeyDown = true

-- Handle the key up event
local function handleKeyUp(input)
    if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
        isSpaceKeyDown = false

-- Connect the touch up event

-- Handle the mouse click event
    if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and isSpaceKeyDown then
        print("Left mouse button was clicked while Space key was pressed.")

Managing Touch Gestures

Roblox User Input Service also allows you to manage touch gestures, such as swipe actions. This further enhances game interaction for touchscreen users.

local initialPosition = nil

-- Get the position when a touch starts
UserInputService.TouchStarted:Connect(function(touch, processed)
    initialPosition = touch.Position

-- Calculate the movement when a touch ends
UserInputService.TouchEnded:Connect(function(touch, processed)
    local movement = touch.Position - initialPosition
    if math.abs(movement.X) > math.abs(movement.Y) then
        if movement.X > 0 then
            print("Swipe right")
            print("Swipe left")

Detecting Gamepad Input

Roblox’s User Input Service is not exclusively for keyboard, mouse, or touch inputs. It also allows handling input from a gamepad, making your game compatible with various gaming devices.

UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed)
    if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
        if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA then
            print("Gamepad A button was pressed.")

With these examples, you can enhance the interactivity of your Roblox game and extend its compatibility to various user input styles and devices. Remember, creating engaging and dynamic games is a journey of continuous learning and practice. We’re thrilled to guide you through this journey and to see what incredible games you’ll create.

Chaining Input Events

In some cases, you might find it beneficial to establish a chain of input events. Actions taken by the player could have different outcomes based on a sequence of inputs. By chaining input events, you can create more complex gaming scenarios and functionality.

For instance, the player might have to press two keys sequentially, e.g., the ‘Space’ key followed by the ‘E’ key:

local spaceThenE = false

UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed)
    if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
        spaceThenE = true
    if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and spaceThenE then
        print("Space followed by E was pressed.")
        spaceThenE = false

Handling Multi-Touch Events

Roblox User Input Service also allows the detection of multiple concurrent touch actions, for instance, when two fingers touch the screen simultaneously. This can be executed with following code:

UserInputService.TouchPan:Connect(function(touches, totalTranslation, velocity, state)
    if #touches >= 2 then
        print("Screen touched by two fingers.")

Detecting Mouse Movement

The movement of the mouse on screen is another important input event to handle effectively. For a better game response to player actions, capturing such movements can be important. Here’s how to detect mouse movement:

UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition -- to prevent default mouse movement

    if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
        print("Mouse moved:", input.Delta)

Handling ScrollWheel Input

Mouse events aren’t only limited to button clicks and movements. With Roblox User Input Service, you can also handle the scroll wheel movements, enhancing player interaction:

    if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel then
        if input.Position.Z > 0 then
            print("Mouse wheel scrolled up")
            print("Mouse wheel scrolled down")

Experience More with Roblox User Input Service

The more you explore Roblox User Input Service, the more you’ll discover the breadth and depth of its capabilities. The service offers tremendous possibilities to enrich your game with unique features, responding accurately to player actions. It’s a strong step forward to achieve a phenomenal game creation experience with us at Zenva. Remember, the journey to mastery is a continuous one. Keep learning, keep exploring, and keep creating amazing projects.

Continue Your Roblox Journey

Mastering the Roblox User Input Service is just a stepping stone in your game development journey. There are more advanced concepts and skills you can learn to bring your unique gaming ideas to life.

At Zenva, we invite you to embark on a more extensive exploration of Roblox game development with our Roblox Game Development Mini-Degree. This program, suitable for beginners, offers a wide array of courses that cover various genres and teach valuable skills such as multiplayer functionality and leaderboards. Our experienced instructors help you prepare for a career in game development while you develop a professional portfolio.

For a broader view of what we offer, you’re welcome to check out our general Roblox courses. With programming and game development courses all the way from beginner to professional, we are prepared to guide you through your coding journey, regardless of your current skill level. Remember, continuous learning is key in this field. Let’s keep coding, creating, and exploring together!


Mastering Roblox User Input Service opens up a world of interaction and dynamism for your Roblox game creation endeavors. As you understand its powers and nuances, you’ll be able to craft more engaging and responsive experiences for game players. The knowledge gain won’t stop here with us at Zenva, as we are constantly equipping ourselves to deliver latest, high-quality content for your programming and game development journey.

Want to dive further into the fascinating world of game creation? Check out our comprehensive Roblox Game Development Mini-Degree. Discover new layers of Roblox programming today and carry forward the spark of creating, coding, and exploring with Zenva!

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