Interlocked C# Tutorial – Complete Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Interlocked C#. This article is designed to bring the concept of concurrency and synchronization in code to life for beginners and pros alike. Laced with examples inspired by simple game mechanics, we aim to provide a practical understanding of Interlocked in C#.

What is Interlocked in C#?

The Interlocked class in C# is a powerful feature that aids in writing thread-safe operations. If you haven’t yet explored the world of multi-threading or concurrent computing, don’t worry; the Interlocked class is a good place to start.

Why Should You Learn About Interlocked in C#?

Solving synchronization problems is fundamental when dealing with multi-threaded applications. As you advance in your coding journey, you’ll find more multi-threaded programs, especially in fields like game development and artificial intelligence. The Interlocked class can help you safely perform simple arithmetic and comparison operations even in a multi-threaded environment.

By understanding the Interlocked class, you will master a crucial aspect of multi-threading, which is a valuable skill in today’s concurrent computing world.

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Interlocked Basics

Before we dive into code examples, it’s important to understand the basic methods offered by the Interlocked class:

  • Increment: This method increases the value of a specified variable by one and stores the result atomically.
  • Decrement: Decrement does the opposite, reducing the value of a given variable by one atomically.
  • Exchange: This method atomically replaces the value of a specified variable with a new value, and returns the original value.
  • CompareExchange: Compares two values for equality and, if they are equal, replaces the first value.

Now let’s look at some examples for better understanding.

Incrementing & Decrementing with Interlocked

Let’s take a look at how we can perform atomic increment and decrement operations with Interlocked. In the following example, we have a shared counter variable among several threads:

// Define a shared variable
int counter = 0;

// Start multiple threads
Parallel.For(0, 1000000, i => {
    // Increment the counter safely with Interlocked
    Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);

Console.WriteLine(counter); // 1000000

In this program, we’re starting a million tasks that all increment the counter. Even though these tasks run concurrently, we can be sure that the counter will reach exactly 1000000 at the end of the program thanks to Interlocked.Increment.

Interlocked.Decrement works in a similar manner. However, please note that if the counter is 0, decrementing it will result in a negative value:

// Define a shared variable
int counter = 1000000;

// Start multiple threads
Parallel.For(0, 1000000, i => {
    // Decrement the counter
    Interlocked.Decrement(ref counter);

Console.WriteLine(counter); // 0

Swapping Variables with Interlocked.Exchange

The Interlocked.Exchange allows us to safely swap the values of two variables across multiple threads. Here’s a simple example:

// Define two shared variables
int x = 0;
int y = 10;

// Swap the values atomically
int oldX = Interlocked.Exchange(ref x, y);
Console.WriteLine("Old value of X: {0}, New value of X: {1}", oldX, x); // Old value of X: 0, New value of X: 10

In this code snippet, the Interlocked.Exchange method atomically assigns the value of ‘y’ to ‘x’. The old value of ‘x’ is returned and stored in the variable ‘oldX’.

Value Comparisons using Interlocked.CompareExchange

The Interlocked.CompareExchange method compares two values for equality and, if they are equal, replaces the first value. This can be extremely handy for assignment operations that need to be executed conditionally. Here’s an example:

//Define two shared variables
int x = 0;
int y = 10;

//Change the value of 'x' to 'y' only if 'x' is 0
int prevX = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref x, y, 0);
Console.WriteLine("Previous value of X: {0}, New value of X: {1}", prevX, x); //Previous value of X: 0, New value of X: 10

In the above snippet, we only swap the value of x with y if x is equal to 0. This can prevent unwanted assignments in the context of multiple threads.

Just like the other examples shown above, the Interlocked.CompareExchange method ensures atomicity, making it safe to use across all running threads.

Practical Game Example

For a better understanding and context on how to use Interlocked in your games, here’s a simple think-through:

Imagine a racing game where every passing car through a finish line increases a counter. With multiple cars crossing the line at the same time, it’s crucial that the counter addition is thread-safe and does not miss any car. Here’s how the Interlocked class comes into play:

int carCounter = 0;

void CarPassesFinishLine()
    Interlocked.Increment(ref carCounter);

Now, even if ‘CarPassesFinishLine()’ is called concurrently by many threads, no car will be missed – every increment operation will be executed in an atomic, thread-safe manner.


In this comprehensive guide, we discussed the Interlocked class in C#, a critical tool for writing thread-safe operations in multi-threaded applications. It allows us to perform atomic operations and is especially useful in games and AI where concurrency and synchronization matters.

We demonstrated real-life examples, such as incrementing and decrementing counters, swapping variables, and comparing and exchanging variables in a thread-safe way – all thanks to the Interlocked class.

Remember, mastering the Interlocked class can make you a better coder and empower you to create more performant, robust, and interactive games and applications.

Advanced Interlocked Operations

Let’s now delve into some of the more advanced operations that can be achieved with the Interlocked class. These operations allow you to manipulate and control data across multiple threads seamlessly.

Atomic Boolean Toggle

Imagine you have a boolean that needs to be toggled thread-safely. Using Interlocked.CompareExchange(), you can achieve this:

// Define the boolean variable
int toggle = 0;

// Toggle the boolean atomically
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref toggle, toggle ^ 1, toggle);

This piece of code will swap the value of ‘toggle’ (0 or 1) with the opposite value (1 or 0).

Thread-Safe Double Increment

The Interlocked class in C# doesn’t overlap for the double data type. However, we can simulate an atomic operation for that data type. Here is how you could perform an atomic increment for a double:

// Define the shared double
double sharedDouble = 0.0;

// Increment the double atomically
double toAdd = 1.0;
double newValue;
    double old = sharedDouble;
    newValue = old + toAdd;
while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref sharedDouble, newValue, old) != old);

In this example, we used a do…while loop and the Interlocked.CompareExchange() method to increment the shared double atomically.

Thread-Safe Double Decrement

Similarly, you can also decrement a double atomically. Here’s how:

// Define the shared double
double sharedDouble = 1.0;

// Decrement the double atomically
double toSubtract = 0.001;
double newValue;
    double old = sharedDouble;
    newValue = old - toSubtract;
while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref sharedDouble, newValue, old) != old);

This is virtually the same as the increment example, but we subtract a value from the shared double instead.


In this section, we walked through some advanced operations that you can achieve with the Interlocked class. We started with a simple example of an atomic Boolean toggle. We then dove into thread-safe operations for doubles, which require slightly more complex code due to Interlocked lacking direct support for the double type.

With adequate practice and increased familiarity, these operations can soon become second nature to you, saving you countless headaches when dealing with multi-threading in your C# applications and games.

Keep Learning and Growing

Now that you’ve grasped the concept of the Interlocked class in C#, and understood its practical usage in terms of game development, it’s time to expand your knowledge deeper and broader. Game developers need a whole set of skills, and acquiring them can be a fun and fulfilling journey.

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In conclusion, the journey to become a skilled game developer may seem daunting, but with the right resources, it can be an enjoyable and enriching experience. Take every step as a new challenge, whether it’s understanding a new concept, like we did today with Interlocked in C#, or creating a game from scratch.

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