How to Use ChatGPT for Programming – Best Resources This Year

As the world of programming advances, artificial intelligence plays a more significant role in how we write and understand code. One such AI tool is ChatGPT by OpenAI, a robust language model that can generate code snippets, debug programs, and even provide intuitive answers in a conversational setting.

In this article, we’ll explore the best resources on using ChatGPT for programming this year and discuss how it can enhance your coding skills. We will also introduce the Python AI Chatbot Academy by Zenva, a beginner-friendly comprehensive course collection that teaches Python and AI chatbot development, using ChatGPT and other GPT models.

Introduction to Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a class of machine learning models that have been trained on vast datasets of text. They have gained popularity due to their ability to understand and generate human-like language, opening up new possibilities in natural language processing (NLP) applications. LLMs have advanced significantly in recent years, with models such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 and its successors taking center stage in the world of AI research.

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Discovering ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI language model in the GPT family, developed by OpenAI, built on top of the GPT-3 framework. Going beyond simple text generation, ChatGPT is designed specifically to provide more interactive and dynamic conversations, simulating human-like dialogues, and providing utility across various tasks.

Using ChatGPT for Programming

ChatGPT can be a valuable asset for developers and programmers, as it can:

  • Guide you through programming concepts and syntax
  • Help debug code and offer code optimization suggestions
  • Write or edit documentation, generate test cases, and provide explanations of code functionality
  • Convert code snippets from one programming language to another

Why Use ChatGPT for Programming?

Utilizing ChatGPT for programming tasks offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhance productivity by reducing the time spent on mundane tasks such as documentation and bug searching
  • Support learning new programming languages or concepts through human-like interactions
  • Improve code quality by providing additional perspectives on your codebase
  • Enable multi-modal interfaces, where code can be generated, modified, or discussed through natural language conversations

Comparing ChatGPT to Other LLMs

While there are other LLMs available, ChatGPT stands out due to:

  • Its focus on interactive dialogue and dynamic conversations
  • Its broad utility across multiple domains, including programming
  • The extensive knowledge and research of OpenAI, one of the leading AI research organizations
  • The regular updates and improvements made to the ChatGPT model

Below is a curated list of best resources for using ChatGPT for programming, including courses, articles, and research papers from Zenva and other sources.

Python AI Chatbot Academy by Zenva

Zenva Academy offers the Python AI Chatbot Academy, an extensive set of courses for learning Python, AI chatbot development, and working with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The curriculum covers Python programming fundamentals, creating interactive AI chatbots, web-based chatbots, querying data from multiple sources, and real-world AI chatbot applications.

ChatGPT: Research Preview – OpenAI Blog

OpenAI’s blog post introduces ChatGPT and explains its features, such as answering follow-up questions, rejecting inappropriate requests, and handling code debugging. It also includes sample interactions showcasing ChatGPT’s capabilities.

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet – TechRepublic

TechRepublic’s cheat sheet on ChatGPT details the language model’s core functionalities, including writing and debugging code, creating reports, presentations, emails, and websites. The article also raises ethical and privacy concerns related to using generative AI.

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How to Add ChatGPT to Your Programming Toolkit –

This post demonstrates how developers can use the ChatGPT platform to add natural language processing capabilities to their projects. The article provides a quick start guide on using Python with the OpenAI API to integrate ChatGPT.

10 Tips for Improving Your Coding with ChatGPT – BetterProgramming

BetterProgramming’s article shares 10 tips on using ChatGPT, such as keeping prompts concise, using it for code documentation, generating test cases, and being cautious not to rely solely on the tool for generating code.

ChatGPT for Programming Numerical Methods –

This research paper delves into ChatGPT’s capabilities in programming numerical algorithms, debugging, improving code, rewriting code in other languages, and parallelizing serial codes.


As AI continues to play a vital role in the world of programming, ChatGPT stands out as a powerful and versatile tool that can assist programmers in various tasks. However, it’s essential to remember its limitations and not solely rely on it for generating complete and accurate code.

To complement your learning experience, consider enrolling in Zenva’s Python AI Chatbot Academy to develop a solid foundation in Python programming, AI chatbot development, and integrating ChatGPT into your projects.

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