Best Strategy Game Tutorials – Create Video Games

ArWant to craft your own immersive, challenging strategy game experience? Then you’re in the right place! In this guide, we’ll journey through some of the best strategy game tutorials available, touching on big players like Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot. From beginners to experienced developers, there’s something for everyone. So, let’s start unpacking these incredible resources!

What is a Strategy Game?

Let’s return to the basics. What exactly is a strategy game? Strategy games, both real-time (RTS) and turn-based, are a popular genre of video games that emphasize tactical, operational, or strategic gameplay. These games challenge players to think deeply and make decisions that will impact the game’s outcome. They often involve aspects like resource management, strategic positioning and battle tactics.

Why Learn to Program Strategy Games?

  • Career Prospects: Learning to create strategy games not only provides an engaging waypoint on your programming journey, but it may also open up career opportunities. The game development industry is in high demand for skilled developers, and having a niche, like strategy games, can give you an edge.
  • Improve Your Skills: Strategy games involve complex mechanics like enemy AI, unit movement, resource management, and multiplayer functionality. These elements can serve to advance and broaden your coding and game design proficiency.
  • Influence and Innovation: As a developer, you have the power to introduce innovative mechanics and narratives in a strategy game, creating a unique experience for players. Implementing your unique ideas in a game can both be personally satisfying and perhaps the next big hit in the gaming industry.
  • Community: The game development community is active and supportive. Building and sharing your game allows you to be part of this, receiving feedback, learning from others, and even collaborating on new projects.

Understanding Strategy Game Mechanics

Before diving into strategy game development, understanding the core mechanics behind such games can prove to be invaluable. It’s these mechanics that craft the user’s experience and can determine the success of your strategy game. Let’s have a look at some key elements:

  • Resource Management: Many strategy games have systems where resources (like units, tokens, or currency) need to be managed effectively for victory. Players often need to make hard decisions about how to use their limited resources, reflecting real-world strategic challenges.
  • Strategic Decisions: Strategy games often involve making tactical decisions, such as whether to attack, retreat, defend or explore. Each decision will have implications on the game outcome, adding layers of complexity and user engagement.
  • Multiple valid approaches: Great strategy games offer the players multiple paths to victory. This could involve different techniques, strategies, or unit types, adding replayability and depth to your game.
  • Progress and Development: A key mechanic in many strategy games is the idea of progress or development. This could be through leveling up, researching new technologies, or expanding your base or territory.
  • AI opponents: Non-playable characters (NPCs) or AI-driven opponents can provide challenging competition in the absence of multi-player options. Developing a robust AI can be one of the hardest – and most rewarding – parts of strategy game development.
  • Multi-player Mode: Including a multi-player option can greatly enhance a game’s appeal. The unpredictability of human opponents leads to exciting, dynamic game scenarios. But remember, networking and multiplayer setup in gaming can be complex and requires a good understanding of network protocols and programming.

All these mechanics and elements make strategy games a thrilling genre for both players and developers alike. Understanding these aspects can establish a solid foundation for you to start developing your unique strategy game!

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How to Get Started with Strategy Game Development

Starting with strategy game development is an exhilarating journey, one that chisels your programming skills while giving you the chance to let your creativity bloom. It’s vital, however, to remember that patience and determination are key. Although creating a strategy game can seem overwhelming, chunking it down into manageable steps can greatly simplify the process.

Here are some general steps to help you get started:

  • Choose a game development platform: This could be Unity, Unreal Engine, or Godot. These platforms have their own pros and cons, so take some time to research and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.
  • Learn the basic coding principles: While some game development platforms provide a visual scripting system, having a basic understanding of coding principles will provide you with more flexibility and control over your game.
  • Learn the platform-specific language: If you’ve selected Unity, C# is the language of choice. Unreal Engine uses C++, and Godot uses GDScript. Again, visual aids are a great start, but understanding the underlying language will take your abilities to the next level.
  • Understand game mechanics: As we’ve discussed above, understanding core game mechanics like resource management, strategic decisions, and AI scripting is essential. This understanding aids in designing a game that creates an engaging experience for the end-user.
  • Start simple: As you start to develop your skills, begin with a simple game to apply what you’ve learned. As your confidence grows, you can add complexity and introduce new mechanics.
  • Learn by doing: The most effective way to learn game development is by actually creating games. Don’t be afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them.
  • Seek feedback: Share your games with the community to gain feedback. This feedback can be pivotal in helping you improve your game development skills over time.

To facilitate your journey, a high-quality, beginner-friendly resource like the Zenva’s Strategy Game Development Academy can be incredibly beneficial. With industry-oriented content that takes you from the fundamentals to advanced topics, this academy aims to equip you with the skills needed to create your very own strategy game.

Here at Zenva, we believe in learning by doing. Our comprehensive courses include project-based learning that allow you to apply your newfound knowledge immediately. Our experienced instructors guide you step by step in creating your strategy game. Also, we offer on-demand, lifetime access, allowing you to learn at your own pace, fitting your learning into your lifestyle.

Embarking on the path of strategy game development with Zenva’s Strategy Game Development Academy can enhance your programming skills while allowing you to watch your game ideas come alive. So, harness the power of strategy game development and begin your journey today.

Learning Resources

Strategy Game Development Academy

The Strategy Game Development Academy by Zenva Academy offers comprehensive courses on building strategy games using Unity. The Academy provides:

  • Courses covering various topics such as resource management, enemy AI, multiplayer functionality, and technology trees.
  • Curriculum suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.
  • Step-by-step guidance and flexibility to skip ahead to relevant lessons.
  • Opportunities for learning reinforcement through challenges and quizzes.
  • Flexibility and accessibility across all devices.

Create an RTS game with Godot 4

Zenva Academy also offers a course on how to create a real-time strategy (RTS) game with Godot 4. Featured elements of this course include:

  • Crafting a level, creating different units, enabling movement pathing, constructing AI, and providing gameplay feedback.
  • Suitability for beginners with basic skills in Godot and GDScript.
  • Flexibility with 24/7 course access.

Build an RTS game with Unreal Engine

This course aims to guide students through the process of building a real-time strategy (RTS) game with Unreal Engine. The highlights of this course include:

  • Unit movement, combat, UI feedback, and camera setup lessons.
  • Being suitable for beginners with basic skills in Unreal Engine and Blueprints Visual Scripting.
  • Providing flexibility with 24/7 course access.

Construct a Strategy Game with Godot

In this course, learners can delve into the process of constructing a strategy game with Godot. The unique elements of this course entail:

  • Topics covered include resource management, building placement, turn-based gameplay, and UI rendering.
  • Suitability for beginners with basic familiarity with Godot.
  • Flexible and anytime access to the course content.

Best Tower Defense Tutorials

The article on GameDev Academy titled Best Tower Defense Tutorials provides learners with a list of valuable resources. The article includes:

Unity City Building Game Tutorial

This Unity city-building game tutorial on GameDev Academy includes:

  • A comprehensive guide on creating the project, importing assets, creating the environment, scripting the camera controller, creating the UI, and using scriptable objects for building presets.
  • Step-by-step instructions and downloadable project files and prerequisites for beginners with basic knowledge of Unity.

Godot Strategy Game Tutorial

The Godot strategy game tutorial on GameDev Academy provides:

  • Essential knowledge on creating a strategy game using the Godot game engine.
  • Topics such as turn-based systems, resource production, grid-based placement, and UI design.
  • Step-by-step guidance on project setup, creating tiles and UI elements, and scripting tile functionality.


In closing, the wonderful journey through strategy game development is an adventurous mix of logic, creativity, and determination. Building these intricate games not only equips you with advanced programming skills but also gives you the thrill of breathing life into your strategic and tactical ideas.

Remember, every master was once a beginner. Don’t be deterred by the challenges that may surface along the way. Keep fueling your aspirations and expanding your knowledge base, and soon enough, you’ll watch your dreams materialize into pixels on the screen.

The road to successful strategy game development is studded with resources, guides, and communities passionate about helping you achieve your game development ambitions. Embrace the abundance of learning platforms available at your fingertips and keep climbing the ladder, one strategy game at a time.

An incredible place to fuel this learning journey is Zenva’s Strategy Game Development Academy. With the academy’s meticulous guidance and the wide array of comprehensive courses, you can immerse yourself in the strategy game world and emerge with a game of your own. So, don’t hesitate. A world of strategic adventures awaits you. Unleash your potential and let the games begin!

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FINAL DAYS: Unlock coding courses in Unity, Godot, Unreal, Python and more.