What Is a Development Environment

Welcome to a journey that may just change the way you interact with technology: the exciting world of programming! Whether you’re fascinated by the magic of making games, intrigued by crafting software, or curious about how code makes the digital world go round, understanding the importance of a development environment is the first critical step. Jump in and discover the ins and outs of a tool that is as essential to programmers as a spellbook is to a wizard!

What is a Development Environment?

A development environment is a collection of processes and programming tools used for developing applications and software. Think of it as your personal workshop with everything you need at your fingertips: hammers, nails, and wood, except for coding, these tools are your text editor, compiler, and debugger.

What is it for?

The aim of a development environment is to give programmers an efficient and organized workspace that joins all the necessary tools under one system. This streamlines the development process from writing and testing to debugging and deployment. It ensures that you, as the developer, can focus on crafting code rather than juggling tools.

Why Should I Learn It?

Understanding and setting up a development environment is pivotal for any coder. It can significantly increase your productivity, enable collaborations with others, and reduce the chances of errors. Just as a well-organized chef’s kitchen allows for culinary creations to come to life, a tailored development environment enables you to translate your most creative ideas into executable software with ease.

Let’s embark on this coding expedition together, starting with the basics and progressing through exciting examples and explanations. Who knows? By the end, you might find yourself equipped not only with knowledge but also an undeniable passion for programming.

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Setting up Your Local Development Environment

To start coding, you’ll need a place where you can write, edit, and run your code. This section will guide you through setting up a basic local development environment, ensuring you have the foundational tools to begin your programming adventure.

First, choose a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). While a text editor allows you to write code, an IDE provides additional features like debugging and code suggestions. Here are two common setups:

Text Editor: Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a lightweight but powerful source code editor from Microsoft. It comes with built-in support for many languages and can be enhanced with extensions.

Major steps for setting up VS Code:

  1. Download and install VS Code from its official site.
  2. Open VS Code and install extensions relevant to your programming language, such as Python or JavaScript.
// Example of a Python extension installation
1. Click on the Extensions icon on the sidebar.
2. Search for "Python".
3. Click on the "Install" button for the Python extension by Microsoft.

Integrated Development Environment: PyCharm

For Python developers, PyCharm is a widely used IDE that provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, and an integrated testing unit, among other features.

To set up PyCharm:

  1. Download PyCharm from the JetBrains website.
  2. Follow the installation wizard to complete the setup.
  3. Configure your project interpreter by selecting the Python version installed on your machine.
// Example of setting up a new project in PyCharm
1. Open PyCharm and select "Create New Project."
2. Choose the location of your new project.
3. Select the Python interpreter from the dropdown menu.
4. Click on "Create."

Version Control with Git

Version control is crucial for managing changes to your codebase, especially when collaborating with others. Git is the most commonly used system for this purpose.

Install Git and configure it with your details:

// Installing Git - use the appropriate method for your operating system

// Configuring Git with your username and email
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

Create a new repository and make your first commit:

// Initializing a new Git repository
git init

// Adding a new file and committing it
echo "# My Project" > README.md
git add README.md
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Learn to check the status of your repository and view the commit history:

// Check the status of your repository
git status

// View the commit history
git log

By now, you should have a functional setup for coding and version control. Keep experimenting with different features of your text editor/IDE and Git to gain confidence and proficiency.

Next, we will look into writing our first lines of code and understand the workflow of running and testing them in our development environment.

Writing Your First Lines of Code

With your development environment up and running, it’s time to create your very first program. Let’s keep it classic and start with a “Hello, World!” script in Python.

Open your chosen editor, and type the following:

print("Hello, World!")

Save your file with a ‘.py’ extension, which denotes a Python script. To execute your program, open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing your script. Run it by typing:

python hello_world.py

You should see “Hello, World!” printed on your console, a greeting from your computer to the developer’s world!

Understanding Variables and Basic Data Types

Let’s dive a bit deeper and play around with variables and data types. In programming, variables are like containers for storing data. Here’s a simple example:

name = "Zenva"
age = 10
is_online_course_platform = True

print(name, "is", age, "years old.")
print("Is it an online course platform?", is_online_course_platform)

Here we have variables storing a string, an integer, and a boolean. When we print them, we get the values contained in these variables outputted to our screen.

Conditional Statements and Loops

Now, let’s add some logic to our code with a conditional statement. We will check if the variable ‘age’ is greater than 5:

if age > 5:
    print(name, "is older than 5 years.")
    print(name, "is 5 years old or younger.")

Loops, on the other hand, let us repeat actions. For instance, we can use a ‘for’ loop to iterate over a sequence of numbers:

for i in range(1, age + 1):
    print("Happy Birthday number", i, name + "!")

This loop counts from 1 to the value of ‘age’ and prints a birthday message for each year.

Functions and Modules

Functions allow you to create blocks of code that can be easily reused. This is an example of a simple function that says hello:

def say_hello(person):
    return "Hello " + person + "!"


Python also allows you to use modules, which are files with additional functions and variables. To utilize a module, you must first import it. Here’s how you use the ‘math’ module:

import math

print("The square root of 16 is", math.sqrt(16))

We import the ‘math’ module and use its ‘sqrt’ function to find the square root of 16.

With these examples, you have a glimpse into the vast landscape of coding – variables, data types, logic, loops, functions, and modules are the building blocks of virtually every program. Continue to explore and experiment with these concepts to become more comfortable with your new tools. As you progress, you’ll find yourself mastering the art of coding, and we at Zenva are excited to accompany you on this journey of learning and discovery!

Great, it’s time to enhance your coding skills with new concepts and examples. Let’s continue uncovering the power of programming as we delve into more complex topics like working with lists, dictionaries, and creating your very own classes in Python.

Working with Lists

Lists in Python are used to store multiple items in a single variable. They are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate values. Here’s how you create and manipulate a list:

# Creating a list of courses
courses = ["Python Basics", "Game Development", "Web Design"]

# Accessing list elements
print(courses[0])  # Output: Python Basics

# Adding a new item to the list
courses.append("Data Science")
print(courses)  # Output: ['Python Basics', 'Game Development', 'Web Design', 'Data Science']

# Removing an item from the list
courses.remove("Web Design")
print(courses)  # Output: ['Python Basics', 'Game Development', 'Data Science']

Lists are versatile and can be used to represent a collection of any kind of objects.


Dictionaries in Python are used to store data values in key:value pairs. A dictionary is a collection which is unordered, changeable and does not allow duplicates. Here’s a basic example:

# Creating a dictionary
mentor = {"name": "Alex", "field": "Game Development"}

# Accessing values using keys
print(mentor["name"])  # Output: Alex

# Adding a new key-value pair
mentor["years_of_experience"] = 5
print(mentor)  # Output: {'name': 'Alex', 'field': 'Game Development', 'years_of_experience': 5}

# Updating existing key-value
mentor["field"] = "Advanced Game Development"
print(mentor)  # Output: {'name': 'Alex', 'field': 'Advanced Game Development', 'years_of_experience': 5}

Dictionaries are ideal for storing and retrieving data where the relationship between key and value is significant, like in a database record.

Classes and Objects

In Python, classes are used to create new user-defined data structures that contain arbitrary information about something. Here’s how you can define a class and create objects from it:

# Defining a Course class
class Course:
    def __init__(self, name, topic):
        self.name = name
        self.topic = topic

# Creating instances of Course
python_course = Course("Python Basics", "Programming")
web_design_course = Course("Web Design", "Design")

print(python_course.topic)  # Output: Programming

In object-oriented programming, classes can be thought of as blueprints for creating objects that represent specific entities.


Inheritance is a powerful feature in object-oriented programming that allows a class (child class) to inherit methods and properties from another class (parent class). Let’s extend our class example by creating a specialized Course:

# Base class
class Course:
    def __init__(self, name, topic):
        self.name = name
        self.topic = topic

# Derived class
class OnlineCourse(Course):
    def __init__(self, name, topic, platform):
        # Call the parent class constructor
        super().__init__(name, topic)
        self.platform = platform

# Creating an instance of OnlineCourse
oc_course = OnlineCourse("Python Basics", "Programming", "Zenva")

print(oc_course.name)  # Output: Python Basics
print(oc_course.platform)  # Output: Zenva

Inheritance simplifies the codebase and encourages code reusability by allowing you to extend the functionalities of existing classes.

With the completion of these examples, you’ve now got a taste of how lists, dictionaries, classes, and inheritance work in Python. Remember to experiment with these concepts, as practice is vital to deepening your understanding of programming. Keep challenging yourself to think about how you can use these tools to build your own programs. The path to coding mastery is paved with constant learning and curiosity, and we at Zenva are here to support you every step of the way!

Where to Go Next in Your Programming Journey

No matter where you are on your coding journey—just starting out or looking to level up—there’s always more to learn and create. To continue honing your skills and dive deeper into Python, check out our Python Mini-Degree. Through a curated series of courses, you’ll expand your knowledge from the basics to creating complex algorithms and engaging games. The Python Mini-Degree is designed to fit into any schedule and is accessible 24/7, enabling you to learn at your own pace and on your terms.

Python’s popularity and versatility in the programming world cannot be overstated; its demand in fields like data science makes it a valuable language to master. Our courses provide practical, hands-on learning experiences, and you’ll come away with not just new skills but also certificates to showcase your achievements. If you’re seeking an even broader range of topics, our expansive selection of Programming courses covers everything from web development to artificial intelligence, ensuring there’s always something new to discover.

At Zenva, we believe in empowering learners to reach their potential and achieve their dreams. Take the next step with us, and let’s code the future together!


Embarking on the learning journey of programming is one of the most empowering steps you can take towards shaping your future. Every bit of code you write is a brick laid on the path to building your dreams. Whether those dreams involve creating immersive games, developing cutting-edge software, or analyzing complex data, mastering Python through our Python Mini-Degree will open numerous doors to opportunities and innovation.

Join us at Zenva, where we take pride in being part of the success stories of thousands of students around the globe. Adventure into the endless possibilities of coding—dive deeper, code smarter, and create something amazing. We can’t wait to see what you’ll build next!

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FINAL DAYS: Unlock coding courses in Unity, Godot, Unreal, Python and more.