C# List Any Tutorial – Complete Guide

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on the “C# List Any”! This exciting technique allows us to create dynamic and interactive programs, utilizing the power of C# and the wonder of list methods.

What is “C# List Any”?

“C# List Any” denotes a method within the C# List capabilities, specifically geared for identifying if any elements of a list meet certain criteria. This powerful function can drastically simplify the code in many situations and allows us to maintain cleaner, more semantics code.

What is it for?

The “C# List Any” method is invaluable in instances where we need to assess whether any elements of a list meet a certain predicate. It eradicates the necessity for writing lengthy for loops and makes our code more readable and efficient.

Why should I learn it?

Understanding the “C# List Any” function is a vital step to mastering C# programming. It facilitates the creation of robust and efficient code. As a programmer, every tool, method and resource you can add to your kit is an asset. Beginning coders can significantly enhance their problem-solving capabilities with this technique, and seasoned coders can fine-tune their code with it. The utilization of the “List Any” method is all about writing better, more efficient, and more readable code, making it a necessary skill in every programmer’s toolbox.

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Basic Usage of C# List Any

Let’s start simple. Here’s a basic example of how the ‘List Any’ function is applied:

// Creating a list of integers
List numbers = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Using List Any to check if any number is greater than 3
bool anyNumGreaterThanThree = numbers.Any(n => n > 3);

In the above example, the expression n > 3 is the predicate that the ‘Any’ function is checking against the list. The code returns ‘true’ because there are numbers greater than 3 in the defined list.

Using Any with Strings

We can use the same method with a list of strings. Imagine we want to verify whether any string in the list has a certain length:

// Creating a list of strings
List strings = new List { "Zenva", "<a class="wpil_keyword_link" href="https://gamedevacademy.org/learn-to-code-what-is-coding/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Coding" data-wpil-keyword-link="linked">Coding</a>", "Tutorial" };

// Using List Any to check if any string length is greater than 5
bool anyStrLengthGreaterThanFive = strings.Any(s => s.Length > 5);

In this scenario, we look for any string with a length greater than 5. The result will be true as “Coding” and “Tutorial” both have more than 5 characters.

Case Sensitive Checking

Let’s continue with another use case. What if we want to check if a certain word is present in our list?. Here’s how to accomplish it:

// Creating a list of strings
List strings = new List { "Zenva", "Coding", "Tutorial" };

// Using List Any to check if "Zenva" is present in the list
bool containsZenvaCaseSensitive = strings.Any(s => s == "Zenva");

This code will return ‘true’ because “Zenva” is in our list. It is important to note this check is case-sensitive.

Case Insensitive Checking

In case we want to make our check case-insensitive, we can slightly tweak our code like so:

// Creating a list of strings
List strings = new List { "Zenva", "Coding", "Tutorial" };

// Using List Any to check if "Zenva" is present in the list (Case insensitive)
bool containsZenvaCaseInsensitive = strings.Any(s => s.ToLower() == "zenva");

The function ToLower is applied to each string so the comparison can disregard the case. The code will now return ‘true’ even if the word “Zenva” was entered as “ZENVA”, “zenva”, or any other mix of uppercase/lowercase letters.

Checking Multiple Conditions

What happens if we want to check multiple conditions? That’s possible too! Let’s see how:

// Creating a list of integers
List numbers = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Using List Any to check if any number is even and greater than 3
bool anyEvenNumGreaterThanThree = numbers.Any(n => n > 3 && n % 2 == 0);

In this code, we want to find out if there any numbers that are more than 3 and are also even. The function returns ‘true’ because number 4 meets both conditions.

Checking with Complex Objects

To wrap up, let’s put List Any to work with complex objects. Let’s say we have a List of user profiles and we want to check if any user is of age 21 and also from Canada. Here’s how we can accomplish this:

class User {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public int Age { get; set; }
  public string Country { get; set; }

List users = new List
  new User { Name = "Alice", Age = 20, Country = "Canada" },
  new User { Name = "Bob", Age = 22, Country = "USA" },
  new User { Name = "Charles", Age = 23, Country = "Canada" }

bool anyCanadianOfAge21 = users.Any(u => u.Age == 21 && u.Country == "Canada");

The function returns false as there is no 21-year-old user from Canada in our list.

By understanding and leveraging the power of the C# List Any function, we can achieve smarter, cleaner, and more streamlined coding solutions – regardless of the complexity of our code or data. From simple integer lists to complex objects, this method works diligently to assist us in our programming endeavors.

List Any with Already Defined Predicates

In addition to defining the predicate within our Any method call, we also have the option to define predicates before our method call, and then simply pass the predicate as a parameter.

Let’s see a code example where we define a predicate function to identify even numbers:

List numbers = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Define Predicate
Func isEven = n => n % 2 == 0;

// Check if any number in the list is even
bool anyEvenNum = numbers.Any(isEven);

This predicate function can be reused in other parts of our program, thus fostering code reusability.

List Any with Nested Lists

The ‘Any’ function can also be seamlessly integrated into nested lists, enabling us to drill down into lists within lists.

In the following code, we’ll deal with a list of user profiles where each user profile is associated with a list of roles:

class User {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public List Roles { get; set; }

List users = new List
  new User { Name = "Alice", Roles = new List{"Admin", "Editor"}},
  new User { Name = "Bob", Roles = new List{"Viewer"}},
  new User { Name = "Charles", Roles = new List{"Editor", "Viewer"}}

// Check if any user has "Editor" role
bool anyEditor = users.Any(u => u.Roles.Any(r => r == "Editor"));

In this example, the method will return ‘true’ because Alice and Charles carry the “Editor” role.

Positive and Negative Checks with Any

The ‘Any’ method can be used for verifying positive checks (as we’ve seen so far) and also for negative checks where we want to confirm that no element in our list fulfills a certain condition.

Here, we’ll use it to confirm that there is no user older than 60 in our list:

class User {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public int Age { get; set; }

List users = new List
  new User { Name = "Alice", Age = 32 },
  new User { Name = "Bob", Age = 54 },
  new User { Name = "Charles", Age = 45 }

// Checking if no user is older than 60
bool noUserOlderThan60 = !users.Any(u => u.Age > 60);

The function will return ‘true’ as there is no user older than 60 in our list.

Learning from Real-world Scenarios

Guess what? The beauty of List Any extends beyond academic examples. It’s a pragmatic, useful tool that can solve real-world programming challenges. For instance, imagine we are processing a large dataset of products for an e-commerce app where we need to verify whether any product goes beyond the maximum shipping weight. Rather than manually iterating over every single product, we can simply rely on List Any to do the heavy lifting for us!

class Product {
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public double Weight { get; set; }

List products = new List
  new Product { Name = "Laptop", Weight = 2.5 },
  new Product { Name = "Refrigerator", Weight = 70 },
  new Product { Name = "Microwave", Weight = 15 }

double maxShippingWeight = 50;
bool anyOverweightProduct = products.Any(p => p.Weight > maxShippingWeight);

This code will return ‘true’, signaling that a product (refrigerator in this case) exceeds the maximum shipping weight.

Balancing between conceptual understanding and practical application, we hope these diverse examples have provided a holistic view of the power, functionality, and benefits of the C# List Any method. Would you like to dive into more detailed or complex scenarios? Feel free to reach out, and we’ll be delighted to expand on this topic further.

Where to Go Next?

Taking initiative to continue your learning journey is the hallmark of a successful developer. Having learned the C# List Any method, you’ve added one more powerful tool to your programming arsenal that will significantly level-up your code’s efficiency. But your learning journey doesn’t have to stop here.

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The road to mastery is long, but each step you take brings you closer. Keep learning, keep coding, and keep enjoying your journey!


Arming yourself with the knowledge of “C# List Any” empowers you to create more sophisticated and efficient code. This function is an integral part of the C# toolkit, and mastering it will aid in creating cleaner, more readable code, regardless of the project size or complexity.

Embrace this opportunity to expand your horizons, explore new challenges, and cultivate your skills. Dive into our Unity Game Development Mini-Degree to elevate your learning experience even further. Remember, the road to mastery is essentially a journey of continuous learning – let’s embark on that journey today!

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