What Are Relational Operators – Complete Guide

Understanding how programs make decisions is a fundamental aspect of learning to code. Among various critical concepts in programming, one that stands out for helping scripts and applications to decide ‘which way to go’ is the concept of relational operators. Imagine coding as paving a path where your code is at a crossroads, with multiple signs pointing in different directions. In this analogy, relational operators are the decision markers—based on given conditions, they help your program choose which path to take to reach its destination. Whether you are a budding programmer or an experienced coder brushing up on essentials, grasping these logical tools is imperative for creating functional, logical, and complex code constructions. Let’s explore relational operators more closely and see how they form the decision-making backbone of programming languages.

What Are Relational Operators?

Relational operators are symbols that compare values and return a Boolean result—either True or False. They are the fundamental components of conditional statements, which are pivotal in the formation of logic in programming.

What Are They for?

The primary purpose of relational operators is to evaluate conditions that control the flow of a program. They serve as checkpoints that determine whether a block of code should be executed or not, based on certain criteria being met.

Why Should I Learn Relational Operators?

Mastering relational operators is key for creating interactive applications that respond to user input, process data efficiently, and navigate complex decision trees. They are universal across programming languages, so learning them will give you a toolkit that’s transferable no matter where your coding adventures may lead. They are small yet powerful decision makers in your code that drive functionality and logic.

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Common Relational Operators in Action

Before diving into the examples, it’s important to understand the common relational operators found in most programming languages:

  • Greater than (>): Checks if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right.
  • Less than (<): Checks if the value on the left is less than the value on the right.
  • Greater than or equal to (>=): Checks if the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right.
  • Less than or equal to (<=): Checks if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right.
  • Equal to (==): Checks if the value on the left is equal to the value on the right.
  • Not equal to (!=): Checks if the value on the left is not equal to the value on the right.

Through the following examples, we will explore how each of these operators is used in practice:

// Example 1: Greater than (>)
int score = 85;
if (score > 75) {
    console.log("Congratulations! You passed the exam.");

In this example, we check if the variable ‘score’ is greater than 75. If so, it prints a congratulatory message.

// Example 2: Less than (<)
int age = 18;
if (age < 21) {
    console.log("You are not allowed to drink alcohol.");

Here, we test if the variable ‘age’ is less than 21. If true, it informs the user they cannot drink alcohol.

// Example 3: Greater than or equal to (>=)
int teamScore = 300;
if (teamScore >= 300) {
    console.log("Team qualifies for the finals!");

This snippet checks to see if ‘teamScore’ is greater than or equal to 300. If the condition is met, it lets the team know that they have qualified for the finals.

// Example 4: Less than or equal to (<=)
float temperature = 32.5;
if (temperature <= 32) {
    console.log("Caution: Icy Conditions Ahead");

With this code, the program tests if ‘temperature’ is less than or equal to 32 (degrees Fahrenheit). If true, it warns of potential ice.

// Example 5: Equal to (==)
char selectedOption = 'Y';
if (selectedOption == 'Y') {
    console.log("You have selected 'Yes'");

This example checks whether ‘selectedOption’ is equal to ‘Y’. If the condition is satisfied, it confirms that ‘Yes’ has been selected.

// Example 6: Not equal to (!=)
String password = "MySecret123";
if (password != "password123") {
    console.log("Your password is secure.");

Finally, we determine if ‘password’ is not equal to the commonly used “password123”. If this is the case, the user gets a message regarding the security of their password.

By learning and applying these relational operators, you’ll give your programs the ability to react to a range of conditions and inputs, making them more interactive and intelligent. Remember, these examples are the foundations upon which more complex logical structures are built.As we proceed, let’s mold our understanding of relational operators with more complex examples. We’ll intertwine these operators with other programming elements such as loops and combined conditions to showcase their versatile capabilities in decision-making scenarios. These examples will strengthen your grasp of when and how to use relational operators to control the flow of your code.

// Example 7: Combining operators with logical AND
float discountRate = 0.10;
int customerAge = 65;
boolean isSeniorCitizen = (customerAge >= 65);

if (isSeniorCitizen && discountRate > 0.05) {
    console.log("You qualify for our senior citizen discount!");

Here, the program checks for two conditions: if the customer is a senior citizen and if the available discount rate is greater than 0.05. If both conditions are true, it prints out a message about the discount.

// Example 8: Using operators in a 'for' loop
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        console.log(i + " is even.");

This code snippet demonstrates a ‘for’ loop, iterating through numbers from 1 to 10 and using the relational operator ‘==’ alongside the modulo operator to check if ‘i’ is an even number.

// Example 9: Relational operators in 'while' loops
int temperature;
while ((temperature = getTemperature()) > 0) {
    if (temperature <= 5) {
        console.log("Temperature is very low. Stay warm!");
    } else {
        console.log("Temperature is above freezing. It's safe to go out.");

In example 9, we continually check the temperature using a ‘while’ loop. The loop runs as long as the temperature is above 0 degrees. Inside the loop, we use a relational operator to provide warnings based on the current temperature.

// Example 10: Nesting conditional statements
char trafficLight = 'G';

if (trafficLight == 'R') {
} else if (trafficLight == 'Y') {
    console.log("Prepare to stop.");
} else if (trafficLight == 'G') {
} else {
    console.log("Invalid traffic light signal.");

The above demonstrates how nesting conditional statements allow for multiple outcomes. Each condition is evaluated in turn, and the corresponding action is taken, depending on which relational operator evaluates to true.

// Example 11: Evaluating multiple conditions with OR
int dayOfWeek = 6;
boolean isWeekend = (dayOfWeek == 6 || dayOfWeek == 7);

if (isWeekend) {
    console.log("Time to relax! It's the weekend!");
} else {
    console.log("Keep pushing through—it's a weekday.");

This snippet uses the logical OR operator to check if the current day of the week signifies a weekend. The program subsequently outputs an appropriate message.

// Example 12: Switch statement using relational operators
int userScore = 82;
switch (userScore / 10) {
    case 10:
    case 9:
        console.log("Outstanding performance!");
    case 8:
        console.log("Good job!");
    case 7:
        console.log("Fair effort, but there's room to improve.");
        console.log("Try harder next time.");

In our last example, a switch statement simplifies a series of conditions. This method provides clear actions depending on the user’s score, assigning different messages for different score ranges by utilizing the division of ‘userScore’ by 10.

Understanding and using relational operators effectively can be incredibly empowering. They enable you to write dynamic programs that respond to user input and environmental conditions. With practice, you’ll find yourself seamlessly integrating these tools in various coding situations, crafting intricate logic with confidence. Remember, coding is as much about creativity as it is logic—the operators are your palette, and your program is the canvas. Happy coding and continue exploring the art of decision-making in programming!Building on the previous examples, let’s dive into more intricate uses of relational operators. These will expand the boundaries of what we’ve seen, introducing scenarios that are commonly encountered in real-world programming tasks.

// Example 13: Relational operators with arrays
int[] scores = {70, 85, 90, 55, 60};
for (int i = 0; i = 85) {
        console.log("High score of " + scores[i] + " merits an award!");

In this scenario, we’re iterating through an array of scores. We use the greater than or equal to relational operator to check if any scores merit an award for being 85 or over.

// Example 14: Ternary operator with relational comparison
int age = 20;
String eligibility = (age >= 18) ? "eligible to vote" : "not eligible to vote";
console.log("You are " + eligibility + ".");

The ternary operator is used here as a shortcut to an if-else statement. It succinctly evaluates whether ‘age’ satisfies the voting eligibility condition, with relational operators deciding the outcome.

// Example 15: Relational operators in object properties
class Car {
    int speed;

    Car(int speed) {
        this.speed = speed;
    boolean isSpeeding(int limit) {
        return this.speed > limit;

Car car = new Car(55);
console.log("The car is" + (car.isSpeeding(50) ? "" : " not") + " speeding.");

Here, we have a simple ‘Car’ class with a method that uses a relational operator to check if the car’s speed is over a certain limit, revealing the use of relational operators within object-oriented programming.

// Example 16: Complex conditionals with multiple relational operators
int examsTaken = 5;
float gradesTotal = 385; // Sum of all exam grades
float averageGrade = gradesTotal / examsTaken;

if (examsTaken >= 5 && (averageGrade = 80)) {
    console.log("Student qualifies for tutoring or honor roll.");

In this example, we’re evaluating a student’s need for tutoring or honor roll based on complex conditions involving multiple relational operators. We check the number of exams taken and assess their average grade against high and low benchmarks.

// Example 17: Checking ranges with relational operators
int number = 25;

if (number >= 1 && number <= 100) {
    console.log("Number is within the range of 1 to 100.");
} else {
    console.log("Number is outside the range of 1 to 100.");

This code snippet verifies whether a given number is inside a specific range, utilizing relational operators to determine both the lower and upper bounds of the range.

// Example 18: Relational operators in a do-while loop
int count = 0;
do {
    console.log("Count is: " + count);
} while (count < 5);

We observe a ‘do-while’ loop working with a relational operator. It ensures the block of code is executed at least once, and then checks with ‘<' to limit the count.

// Example 19: Relational operations to exit loops
// Infinite loop broken by a relational check
while (true) {
    int userChoice = getUserChoice();
    if (userChoice  10) {
        console.log("Invalid choice, exiting program.");

    // Process the valid choice
    console.log("You selected: " + userChoice);

In the final example, a ‘while’ loop runs indefinitely and only exits if an invalid choice is made. Relational operators handle the user input validation by ensuring the user’s choice is within an acceptable range.

Through these code snippets, you can see how relational operators are used in various elements of programming languages to enable logical reasoning within code. They are essential for tasks like looping with conditionals, creating state-based behaviors for objects, or simply validating data. Mastering these concepts is crucial for aspiring developers to handle increasingly complex programming challenges. Whether you’re working with arrays, objects, or loops, relational operators are the keys to enabling your programs to make important decisions at every step of the computation.

Continue Your Learning Journey

If you’ve found this introduction to relational operators valuable and you’re eager to apply your new knowledge, why not take the next step on your programming journey? At Zenva Academy, we believe in helping learners like you progress from beginner to professional with our diverse range of courses. Dive into our Python Mini-Degree, where you can explore Python programming—an essential skill set desired in various tech industries, including game development, web development, and data science.

Our Python Mini-Degree is designed not only for those new to programming but also for coders who want to deepen their knowledge. You’ll learn to build games, design algorithms, and develop app projects that will enhance your portfolio. Our self-paced courses fit into your schedule so you can learn when it works best for you.

For those of you looking to broaden your programming expertise even further, you can explore our full range of Programming courses. With Zenva, you can learn at your own pace, create fascinating projects, and gain the skills needed to meet today’s tech challenges. Join our community of over a million learners and developers and make your mark in the world of tech.


In wrapping up our exploration of relational operators, it’s clear that understanding how to compare values and make decisions is a cornerstone of effective programming. Whether it’s guiding a character in a game, analyzing data, or creating an interactive web application, these operators are the unsung heroes behind the logic and functionality of your code. As you continue to learn and build, remember that each line of code and each operator used is a step towards achieving your goals as a proficient developer.

We at Zenva are excited to support you on your coding odyssey. Enhance your skills, bring your creative ideas to life, and embark on creating impactful tech solutions with our comprehensive Python Mini-Degree. Keep pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve with code, and let us be part of your success story. Happy coding, and may your passion for learning never fade!

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