What Are Abstract Classes – Complete Guide

Diving into the world of programming can sometimes feel like setting out on an epic adventure. You’re thrust into a land filled with mystery and complexity, where mastering the arcane arts of coding can unlock incredible power: the power to create, to solve, and to innovate. Today, we embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding one of the most useful yet often misunderstood features in the programming realm—abstract classes. To a beginner, abstract classes might seem like an arcane concept, but to an adept programmer, they’re an essential tool. Join us as we decode abstract classes through a series of engaging examples and explanations that cater to both early learners and the more experienced coders among us.

What Are Abstract Classes?

Abstract classes form the backbone of object-oriented programming (OOP). They are like blueprints for other classes, outlining a set of methods and properties that any subclass must implement, without providing full implementation details. Imagine them as the conceptual designs for characters in a game, where each character has a set of actions they can perform, but the specifics of how they perform them are unique to each character.

What Are They For?

Abstract classes are used to create a base framework in programs. They are crucial when you have a hierarchy of classes and you want to guarantee that certain methods are present in all derived classes, offering a common interface for different implementations of the same concept.

Why Should I Learn About Abstract Classes?

Understanding abstract classes is essential because:

– They help avoid redundancy by allowing the reuse of common interface and method signatures across multiple subclasses.
– They enforce a contract for subclasses, ensuring that certain methods are implemented, which leads to more robust and maintainable code.
– They can be used to create plug-and-play code that can handle future extensions without the need to modify existing code.

With this foundational knowledge, any aspiring programmer can begin to craft their own world of code with deeper insight and structured technique. Now, let’s move on to some examples to see abstract classes in action.

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Abstract Classes: A Closer Look with Examples

Abstract classes might be a bit abstract (pun intended!) until we see them in action, so let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into some concrete examples. We’ll simulate a tiny ecosystem where various animals move in different ways. An abstract `Animal` class will define a method `move()` that all animals must implement, but the exact manner of movement will be defined in the subclasses.

First, let’s define our abstract class:

abstract class Animal {
    // An abstract method doesn't have a body
    public abstract void move();

All animals move, but they do it in their own unique ways. Here’s a `Fish` class that extends our `Animal` class and implements the `move` method. Notice how we define the specific way a fish moves:

class Fish extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The fish swims in water");

Not all creatures swim; some prefer the sky. Behold the `Bird` class:

class Bird extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The bird flies through the air");

What happens if we try to instantiate an abstract class? Let’s see the below code:

// This will lead to a compilation error
Animal myAnimal = new Animal();

The reason for the error is that abstract classes cannot be instantiated on their own because they’re incomplete by design; they require a subclass to provide the missing pieces.

Now, let’s look at abstract methods with parameters. Suppose our animals make sounds, but each animal makes a different sound:

abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void move();
    public abstract void makeSound(String sound);

And in our `Bird` class, we can implement the sound-making like this:

class Bird extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The bird flies through the air");
    public void makeSound(String sound) {
        System.out.println("The bird says: " + sound);

This showcases how parameters can be used in abstract methods and implemented by each subclass to bring variety to shared behaviors. Through these examples, we’re beginning to see the power and flexibility that abstract classes offer in object-oriented programming. We’ll continue exploring more about these concepts in the next segment of our tutorial.Let’s extend our understanding of abstract classes with more intricate examples, illustrating how they interact with other OOP principles like constructors and interfaces.

Even though abstract classes cannot be instantiated, they can have constructors. Abstract class constructors can perform setup operations for subclasses, like initializing fields. Here’s how that might look:

abstract class Animal {
    String name;

    public Animal(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public abstract void move();

When we create a subclass, we often use the `super` keyword to invoke the constructor of the abstract class:

class Fish extends Animal {
    public Fish(String name) {

    public void move() {
        System.out.println(this.name + " swims in water");

Subclasses can also have their own unique attributes and methods. For example, if our birds have a specific wing color, we could add that property and even introduce a behavior to display it:

class Bird extends Animal {
    String wingColor;

    public Bird(String name, String wingColor) {
        this.wingColor = wingColor;

    public void move() {
        System.out.println(this.name + " flies through the air");

    public void displayWingColor() {
        System.out.println(this.name + " has " + this.wingColor + " colored wings");

Abstract classes can also implement interfaces, which are like contracts in OOP that dictate what methods a class must have, but without any implementation details. Let’s say we have an interface `LivingEntity`:

interface LivingEntity {
    void breathe();

An abstract class `Animal` can implement this interface by providing an abstract method `breathe`:

abstract class Animal implements LivingEntity {
    public abstract void breathe();
    public abstract void move();

And now, each subclass of `Animal` would have to implement both `move` and `breathe`:

class Fish extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The fish swims in water");

    public void breathe() {
        System.out.println("The fish breathes underwater");

Sometimes, an abstract class can even implement concrete methods from an interface, providing a default implementation:

abstract class Animal implements LivingEntity {
    // Default implementation for breathe method from LivingEntity interface
    public void breathe() {
        System.out.println("This animal breathes in a default way");
    public abstract void move();

Subclasses can now override `breathe` if they need to, but it’s not mandatory since `Animal` has already provided an implementation:

class Bird extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The bird flies through the air");

    // Bird decides to override the breathe method
    public void breathe() {
        System.out.println("The bird breathes fresh air");

Through these examples, we’ve explored how abstract classes work in conjunction with constructors, subclasses, and interfaces to provide a robust framework for complex programs. Learning to wield abstract classes effectively allows for code that is organized, adaptable, and ready for collaboration in larger-scale projects. As we continue our journey through the programming landscape, mastering these concepts is akin to adding more powerful tools to our developer’s toolkit.Continuing our exploration of abstract classes, let’s delve into some more nuanced scenarios that you might encounter. These examples will expand your understanding of how abstract classes can be used in various situations.

Suppose we have a complex inheritance hierarchy where animals can not only move but also eat. However, each animal eats in a different way. We can add an abstract method `eat()` to our abstract `Animal` class:

abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void move();
    public abstract void eat();

The `Fish` class might implement the `eat` method like this:

class Fish extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The fish swims in water");
    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("The fish eats sea plants");

While the `Bird` class might have a different implementation:

class Bird extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The bird flies through the air");
    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("The bird eats worms");

Now let’s consider abstract classes with properties that only some subclasses should change. We could have an `isDomestic` property in `Animal`, which indicates whether an animal is domestic or not:

abstract class Animal {
    protected boolean isDomestic;
    public Animal(boolean isDomestic) {
        this.isDomestic = isDomestic;
    public abstract void move();

And then in our `Dog` class, we could set this value upon instantiation:

class Dog extends Animal {
    public Dog(boolean isDomestic) {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The dog runs on land" + (isDomestic ? ", and is domestic." : ", and is not domestic."));

Next, let’s look at how we can use abstract classes and methods with varying levels of visibility. By default, the methods in an abstract class are `public`, but we could define them as `protected` to restrict access only to subclasses:

abstract class Animal {
    protected abstract void move();

class Cat extends Animal {
    // Cat must implement move() because it's an abstract method
    protected void move() {
        System.out.println("The cat stealthily walks on land");

But what if some methods should have an implementation even in an abstract class? We can provide a default implementation that can be optionally overridden by subclasses:

abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void move();
    public void sleep() {
        System.out.println("This animal sleeps");

Now, a `Horse` class might choose to use the default `sleep` implementation:

class Horse extends Animal {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The horse gallops on land");
    // No need to override sleep, as the default behavior is appropriate

Lastly, we have to be mindful of how abstract classes participate in multiple inheritance scenarios. In Java, a class cannot extend multiple classes, but can implement multiple interfaces. If you have an abstract class that you wish could inherit from two classes, you can separate one set of behavior into an interface instead:

interface Flyable {
    void fly();

abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void move();

class Bat extends Animal implements Flyable {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The bat crawls awkwardly");
    public void fly() {
        System.out.println("The bat flies in the dark sky");

Through these examples, we have enriched our understanding of abstract classes. We have seen abstract methods and properties can set the foundation upon which subclasses can build. We have looked at visibility modifiers and also the relation of abstract classes with interfaces. With these tools, we are better equipped to structure our code effectively, relying on the powerful concepts of OOP to create clear and maintainable programs.

Where to Go Next in Your Programming Journey

Now that you’ve had a taste of the power of abstract classes in the realm of OOP, it’s natural to wonder, “What’s next?” The world of programming is vast and ripe with possibilities, and there’s always more to learn. If you’re eager to continue your adventure and expand your knowledge, our Python Mini-Degree is a beacon that can guide you further into the coding universe.

Python is known for its simplicity and power, making it a perfect next step on your journey. With Zenva’s Python Mini-Degree, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a comprehensive learning experience that covers not just the basics, but also delves into algorithms, object-oriented programming, and even game and app development. You’ll transform the theoretical knowledge you’ve gained into practical skills through exciting projects like creating games and real-world applications.

Furthermore, if you’re interested in a broader horizon of programming know-how, our selection of Programming Courses offers you knowledge in numerous languages and technologies. From here, the path is yours to choose, knowing that with Zenva, your learning can continue seamlessly, taking you from a beginner to a craftsperson capable of shaping the digital world. Continue your journey with confidence, and remember, every master was once a student. Keep learning, keep coding, and the possibilities will be endless.


Embarking on the learning path of programming is akin to starting an epic journey that will equip you with the tools to craft your own stories and solve complex puzzles in the digital world. Abstract classes are one of the many gateways to unleashing creativity and bringing structure to your code. We hope that these insights into abstract classes have illuminated their potential for you and sparked a curiosity to delve even deeper into the realms of programming. We invite you to join us at Zenva, where our Python Mini-Degree and a variety of other courses await to take your skills to the next level.

Remember, each line of code you write is a step further on your journey. With the right guidance and resources, like those we proudly offer, you will find yourself not only understanding abstract concepts but also applying them in real world scenarios. Keep exploring, keep innovating, and let us at Zenva be the mentors on your programming quest. Your next big project starts with the knowledge you build today, and we’re excited to see where your newfound skills will take you!

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