How To Draw A Rectangle In Pygame Tutorial – Complete Guide

Today we are diving into the core of a powerful library called Pygame, and exploring a simple yet fundamental task – drawing a rectangle. Whether you wish to implement the classic Pong, create an agile square that can dodge obstacles, or simply display a bounding box around game objects, rectangles are there everywhere in game development.

What is Pygame?

Pygame is an open-source library designed for making video games with the Python programming language. Packed with functionality, it offers all you need for game development, from rendering graphics, to handling sound effects and user input.

Understanding Rectangles in Pygame

In Pygame, a rectangle, or Rect, is a versatile object that isn’t just limited to representing shapes. It identifies an area in your 2D space, providing crucial spatial data for image rendering, collision detection, and much more.

Why Learn to Draw a Rectangle?

Understanding the concept of rectangles is an essential starting point in Pygame. Not only do rectangles form the backbone of most object art, they also serve as imaginary boundaries for these objects, paving the way for object collision and interaction. This makes drawing a rectangle an essential skill, irrespective of your game’s complexity. Moreover, giving this library a try can assist you in acquiring a solid foundation in Python game development. So, let’s dive in!

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Getting Started with Pygame

Before we draw a rectangle, let’s set up Pygame. The following snippet shows how to import Pygame and initialize it.

import pygame

We will also need a surface to draw our rectangle on. For this, create a new Pygame window with the desired width and height.

window = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))

The parameters within the method are the window’s width and height. The above code sets the window size to 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall.

Creating and Drawing a Rectangle

In Pygame, a rectangle is defined by its position, width, and height. We represent the position from the top left corner of the window and it’s width and height represent it’s size. Let’s define a rect and draw it.

rect = pygame.Rect(50, 50, 200, 100)
pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0), rect)

The first code snippet creates a rectangle at position (50,50) with a width of 200 and height of 100. The second line draws the rectangle onto the window in red color. The color is defined using an RGB value – (255, 0, 0) represents full red.

Changing Rectangle Properties

You can change the properties of the rectangle like position, size, and color using Pygame.

rect.move_ip(10, 0)
pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 255, 0), rect)

The first line moves the rectangle 10 pixels to the right. The second line changes the color of the rectangle to green.

Continuous Drawing in Game Loop

A game loop is where your game’s logic lives. Here we can constantly draw shapes, move them, and perform various other tasks.

isRunning = True
while isRunning:
  for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
      isRunning = False
  window.fill((0, 0, 0))
  pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 255), rect)

This code shows a typical game loop where we continuously draw our rectangle at its current position and updating the display. The rectangle appears blue in this case. The window.fill((0,0,0)) is used to clear the previous frames, and pygame.display.flip() is used to update the display.

Flexible Manipulations

Now that we have covered the basics of creating a rectangle and changing its properties, let’s explore some tremendous flexibility Pygame offers to infuse life into your rectangle.

Scaling Rectangles

You might want to resize your rectangle while keeping its position unchanged. Pygame’s `inflate()` method does just that.

rect.inflate_ip(50, 50)
pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 255, 0), rect)

Here `inflate_ip(50,50)` makes the rectangle wider and taller by 50 pixels, changing the size of the rectangle while keeping the center position constant.

Checking Point Inside Rectangle

With Pygame, you can check if a point is inside a rectangle or not. It’s useful in scenarios requiring collision detection.

point = (100, 75)

The `collidepoint()` method checks if the provided point is inside the rectangle. It returns True if the point is inside and False if not.

Checking Rectangle Collision

In addition to point collision, Pygame also lets you check if one rectangle collides with another.

rect2 = pygame.Rect(300, 200, 150, 75)

Here, `colliderect()` method returns True if `rect` collides with `rect2`, else False.

Clamping Rectangles

Clamping a rectangle means confining it within another rectangle. Very useful when you want to prevent an object from going off-screen.

screenRect = window.get_rect()
pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 255, 255), rect)

The `clamp_ip()` method keeps the rectangle `rect` within the `screenRect`. If `rect` attempts to move outside, `clamp_ip()` will position it along the edge of `screenRect`.

By learning these powerful features, you can manipulate rectangles freely and harness their full potential in your games. They form a crucial part of game physics, artificial intelligence and user input management, making your Pygame learning journey an exciting ride!

Additional Pygame Rectangle Functions

Pygame offers a multitude of helper functions that make working with rectangles a breeze. Leveraging them allows you to perform complex game mechanics with a few simple commands.

Moving and Drawing a Rectangle

Move a rectangle around your screen by adjusting its x and y coordinates.

rect.x += 5
rect.y += 5
pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 255), rect)

The above code moves the rectangle 5 pixels right and down. The rectangle is drawn in color magenta.

Determining the Center of a Rectangle

You may need to obtain the exact center point of a rectangle for various reasons, such as placing text or handling collisions.


This code outputs the coordinates of the center point of the rectangle.

Finding the Area of a Rectangle

The area of a rectangle can be useful in certain game mechanics, like health bars or item inventory systems.


Displays the dimensions (width, height) of the rectangle in pixels.

Copying a Rectangle

At times, you might want to create a copy of a rectangle, preserving its properties.

rect2 = rect.copy()

This code creates a copy of the `rect` and assigns it to `rect2`.

Expanding to the Lowest Values

This is a handy feature for game boundaries or reactive UI elements.

rect3 = rect.union(rect2)
pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 255, 255), rect3)

The `union()` method creates a new rectangle that completely covers `rect` and `rect2`.

These are just a handful of the toolkit offered by Pygame. Used creatively, they allow you to bend the rules of the 2D space to your will, efficiently creating games that are both exciting and unique. Pygame’s efficient and straightforward rectangle manipulation coupled with its inherent simplicity can certainly make game development a rewarding experience.

Keep up the Learning Momentum

Now that you’ve dipped your toes into the waters of Pygame, game development, and dynamic rectangle manipulation, it’s time to take the plunge and immerse yourself in a broader application of Python programming.

Our Python Mini-Degree offers a comprehensive array of courses that broadens the Python horizon for both beginners as well as experienced programmers. The Mini-Degree includes engaging courses on coding basics, algorithms, object-oriented programming, and game and application development. You’ll get the opportunity to work on exciting projects, putting Python’s simplicity and versatility to effective use while honing your skills with interactive lessons, quizzes, and coding challenges.

In addition, Zenva offers a broad collection of Python courses for all skill levels. Allowing you to dive into specialized topics to fuse your passion into Python programming. Remember, the key to mastery is consistent and continuous learning, so be sure to check out our Python courses.

With Zenva Academy providing 24/7 access to high-quality and flexible courses, the possibilities to enhance your Python aptitude and employability are just a click away. Keep coding and continue your learning journey!


Through this tutorial, you’ve taken your first steps into the compelling world of Pygame and grasped the versatility of rectangles within game development. Remember, each rectangle you draw, move, or modify sets you a step closer to creating an interactive and entertaining gaming universe of your own.

As you continue to explore the depths of Python and Pygame, remember that we at Zenva Academy are here to guide and support you on your journey to becoming a full-fledged game developer. So, let’s keep creating and continue to turn those coding dreams into reality!

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