How to Make a AR Game – Best Learning Tutorials

Augmented Reality (AR) technology has fostered many innovations in various sectors, including gaming. AR games have elevated the gaming experience by blending the virtual and real world, allowing players to interact with virtual objects within their real surroundings. This new gaming realm has promoted creative app development, leading to the creation of fascinating and engaging games.

If you’re looking to level up your game development skills or get started with creating your own AR game, check out these fantastic tutorials! In this article, we will discuss the best learning resources available for developing AR games, with a special focus on the beginner-friendly AR Mini-Degree from Zenva Academy.

How Does Augmented Reality Work

Augmented reality (AR) enhances the real-world environment by overlaying digital elements such as images, sound, and text onto our surroundings, providing an interactive and immersive experience. AR works by using sensors, cameras, and algorithms to detect images and objects in real-time. It then adds computer-generated elements to the user’s view, offering an engaging and immersive experience that combines the real world with digital elements.

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How AR is Changing Game Development

AR is revolutionizing the gaming industry by providing more immersive and interactive experiences. The technology allows games to be played in real-world environments and encourages players to explore their surroundings. AR games offer unique opportunities for social interaction and can increase engagement by blending digital elements seamlessly into the real world. As the technology improves and becomes more accessible, AR gaming continues to evolve and offer even more exciting possibilities.

Why Learn AR for Game Development

  • AR games are innovative, engaging, and have huge potential for growth.
  • AR technology offers unique game mechanics and design possibilities.
  • There is a rising demand for skilled AR developers and designers.
  • Learning how to create AR games will give you a competitive edge in the gaming industry.
  • AR is not limited to gaming; it has applications in various industries, offering more job opportunities for AR developers.

Best Tools for Making AR Games

There are several tools and platforms available for creating AR games, with some of the most popular ones being:

  • Unity with AR Foundation
  • ARKit for iOS devices
  • ARCore for Android devices
  • A-Frame for web-based AR experiences
  • MAKAR for creating AR experiences without coding
  • Vuforia for marker-based and markerless AR development

What Skills Are Needed to Make AR Games

To create AR games, you will need a mix of technical and creative skills, including:

  • Proficiency in programming languages such as C# (for Unity) or Swift (for ARKit)
  • Familiarity with AR development tools and platforms
  • Understanding of 3D modeling and animation tools
  • Knowledge of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design best practices
  • Ability to create engaging stories and game mechanics
  • Adaptability and problem-solving skills to tackle the unique challenges of AR development

In addition to these skills, it’s also important to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in AR technology, as the industry is constantly evolving. Keep reading to find the best resources and tutorials from Zenva and other sources to help you in your AR learning journey.

Zenva Academy – Augmented Reality Mini-Degree

Zenva Academy offers an Augmented Reality Mini-Degree, a comprehensive collection of courses designed to teach you how to build AR games and apps using Unity. It covers marker-based and markerless AR projects, utilizing AR Foundation, ARKit, and EasyAR. This curriculum caters to beginners as well as experienced developers, enabling you to learn modern languages, frameworks, and tools at your own pace. Upon completion of the courses, you’ll have a professional portfolio to showcase your skills to potential employers.

Create an AR Game with Unity’s AR Foundation

This tutorial guides you through the creation of an AR game using Unity’s AR Foundation. The game consists of a car guided by a handheld device to collect packages. The step-by-step instructions include setting up the development environment, detecting real-world planes, casting rays from the camera’s view, and reacting to real-world lighting conditions.

Google for Games – Design Solutions

Google for Games provides design solutions that help create fantastic gaming experiences. This platform offers resources catering to both business and technical roles. It supports mobile and PC/console platforms, highlighting tools such as game controls, GameActivity, Google Maps Platform, Playable Locations API, and SDK/API for AR experiences.

Making an AR Game with A-Frame

In this article, you’ll discover how to create an AR game using A-Frame, THREE.js, and WebXR. The author shares code snippets and tips to enable AR features like hit testing and hiding objects in AR mode. The article showcases the final game result and offers guidance on testing the game on external devices.

MAKAR – AR/VR Editing Platform

MAKAR is an AR/VR editing platform that allows anyone to create and share AR and VR experiences without coding. With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop editor, MAKAR offers over 200,000 free 3D models through its online 3D material library. It supports WEB AR VR and is compatible with various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and AR helmets.

How to Code an AR Application

This article offers an introduction to AR technology and demonstrates how to create AR applications using Unity and AR Foundation. It covers the use of AR across various industries, from gaming to education and medicine. Unity’s AR Foundation allows for the creation of apps compatible with both iOS and Android devices using Apple’s ARKit or Google’s ARCore.

Augmented Reality and the Future of Gaming

This article discusses the anticipated impact of AR gaming in the years to come, thanks to its affordability and integration with real-world environments. The article mentions Microsoft, Sony, and Apple as key players in the AR gaming industry.

Create AR Games with ImagineAR

This resource highlights the benefits of using AR technology to create engaging games. ImagineAR offers an effective AR platform, featuring 3D tracking and a cloud-based content management system. This platform enables developers to focus on game development and user engagement.

How to Make an AR Game App Like Pokemon Go

In this article, you’ll learn how to develop an AR game app similar to Pokemon Go. The article emphasizes the potential profitability of creating a game like Pokemon Go by incorporating features such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to enhance game depth.

How to Make an Augmented Reality Game

This guide explains the process of building an AR game, which involves strategic analysis, choosing an SDK, coding, designing, adding extra features, testing, and launching the app. The article suggests collaborating with experienced partners to achieve success in AR game development.


The growth of augmented reality gaming presents exciting opportunities for developers to create immersive and engaging experiences. With the right learning resources, like the AR Mini-Degree from Zenva Academy, you can build your skills and expertise to create your own AR games.

Explore the resources mentioned in this article, and you’ll be well-equipped to tackle and succeed in the world of AR game development.

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