AnimatedTexture in Godot – Complete Guide

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of AnimatedTexture in Godot 4! This class is a powerful tool in your game development arsenal, allowing you to bring your games to life with frame-based animations. Whether you’re a seasoned game developer or just starting out, understanding AnimatedTexture can add a new dimension to your game design. So, let’s dive in!

What is AnimatedTexture?

AnimatedTexture is a resource format in Godot 4 designed specifically for frame-based animations. It allows you to chain multiple textures together, automatically transitioning between each frame with a predefined delay. Unlike other animation tools in Godot, AnimatedTexture is not a Node, but a resource format that can be used anywhere a Texture2D resource is used, such as in a TileSet.

Why Should I Learn AnimatedTexture?

Learning to use AnimatedTexture can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your games. By providing a straightforward way to create frame-based animations, it allows you to create more dynamic and engaging visual elements. However, please note that the current implementation of AnimatedTexture is not efficient for modern renderers and is deprecated, meaning it might be removed in a future release of Godot.

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For a more detailed look at AnimatedTexture, we highly recommend checking out the official AnimatedTexture documentation. This resource provides an in-depth look at the class, including its properties, methods, and constants.

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Where to go next?

Now that you’ve had a taste of the power of AnimatedTexture in Godot 4, what’s next? We encourage you to continue your learning journey and further expand your game development skills. A great way to do this is through our Godot Game Development Mini-Degree.

Our Mini-Degree is a comprehensive, self-paced learning pathway tailored for aspiring game developers of all skill levels. It focuses on the free, open-source Godot 4 engine, simplifying game development through a combination of node-based systems and GDScript. The curriculum covers a wide range of game development topics, from 2D and 3D game creation to complex gameplay mechanics across various genres. Alongside acquiring technical skills, you’ll earn a completion certificate and benefit from interactive live coding lessons in the browser, enhancing practical learning.

For a more diverse collection, feel free to explore our other Godot courses. At Zenva, we offer over 250 courses in programming, game development, and AI, catering to learners from beginners to professionals. Let’s continue your journey from beginner to professional together!


AnimatedTexture in Godot 4 is a powerful tool that can bring your games to life with frame-based animations. Despite its deprecation, understanding it can still provide valuable insight into the workings of game development and animation. As you continue to explore the vast world of game development, remember that each new tool or concept you learn is another step towards creating more engaging and dynamic games.

So why wait? Dive into our Godot Game Development Mini-Degree today and continue your journey from beginner to professional. Let’s create amazing games together with Zenva!

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